Divine Portfolio

What is a Divine Portfolio?

  The Divine Portfolio of a deity determines the area of interest that it both represented and has power over. Ideas, emotions, races of creatures, schools of magic, and other topics related to mortal existence could all become part of a deity's portfolio.   Gods gained more control over things related to their portfolio depending on their level of power.   A deity automatically senses events occurring in relation to their portfolio, though the weaker the power of the deity, the more mortals has to be involved in the event for them to sense it. A god could then experience the event remotely without needing to send an avatar to get directly involved. They could also attempt to block the ability of another god to do the same, but only if that god was less powerful.   A deity is always more powerful when working to influence the world in relation to aspects of their portfolio—they can perform some tasks instantly, enact more powerful magic, and they find it easier to multitask.  

What is a Divine Domain?

  A Divine Domain is a single part of a Divine Portfolio. Sometimes just called a domain is the individual metaphysical concepts related to the material reality. The further you stray from the material reality of the concept the less power a deity has over it. Deities can have a portfolio that shares similar domains with other gods but cannot share the exact divine domain.   Example: Arawai is the god of Husbandry, and Chauntea is the god of Agriculture. While these denoted concepts are similar to one another, the connotations associated each one are different.
Metaphysical, Divine