Dol Arrah

As the deity of honorable combat, self-sacrifice, and light, Dol Arrah manifests as a peacemaker, a careful planner, and a strategist. Deity of the light, not of the sun, but of the good aspects of the mortal soul she brings light to pierce the darkest places of the world. She serves as the patron of paladins, generals, and diplomats who fight their battles with words.   Dol Arrah and Bane would regularly skirmish with one another during the Dawn War. She sought for honorable victories against the primordials and would cease the battle if surrended to. Bane on the other hand would only claim victory after the subjugation of the enemy.   During the War of Winter, Bane and Dol Arrah were forced into conflict many times. Bane falsely surrendered to Dol Arrah to lure her out, where Bane struck her down and took her as a prisoner.   Dol Arrah was rescued after the Primal Mythal banished the gods from the material plane. She now observes all warfare from atop Mount Celestia, compiling a code of fighting to emcompass all warfare.

Divine Domains

Dol Arrah Divine Portfolio includes Light, Honorable Confrontations, Selflessness, Military Strategy and Warfare.

Tenets of Faith

Dol Arrah teaches her followers:  
  • Bring succor to those who suffer.
  • There is time for diplomacy and time for warfare. It is honorable to fight when defending against evil.
  • Warfare is a tragedy, and should be ended in good faith as soon as possible.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity