
Elturel is the capital of the nation of Elturgard. Once a well-respected city-state, Elturel's importance has grown tremendously in the 15th century, following the appearance of the Companion in 1447. Elturel is also the home of, and protected by, two internationally respected military orders: the Hellriders and the Order of the Companion.


Elturel is a theocracy, run by the High Observer of Pelor. The various councilors and other high ranking members of the government bureaucracy were known as High Knights, a borrowed title from the Hellriders.


Elturel is defended by two of the most well-renowned military forces in the Faerun. At the top of the heirarchy is the Order of the Companion, an order of paladins sworn to protect all under the light of the Companion, which shines forever above the city. The second are the famous Hellriders, the members of which were mostly cavalry and were unparalleled masters of the grasslands of Elturgard. Both these orders often drew foreign members, who traveled the world over to be a part of these illustrious organizations.

Guilds and Factions

Though not a member of the Lords' Alliance, the various guilds and factions that can be found across the Sword Coast, from members of the Order of the Gauntlet, and Harper agents, to Zhentarim mercenaries and Emerald Enclave representatives, could be found in Elturel, though their sway in internal politics was not as far reaching as in other cities.


Early History   Centuries ago, the site where modern Elturel stands was an encampment of ogres, ruled by an ogre lord. Though sources differ as to why the warrior Shiarra had grievance with the ogre lord (some say the ogre had taken her son, others her sword), all sources agree that Shiarra raised a banner of lordlings and successfully killed the ogre lord. Impressed with her prowess as a leader, the lordlings swore themselves to follow Shiarra, naming themselves the Riders and Shiarra their High Rider. From the earliest days of its existence, Elturel and its Riders would gain a reputation as formidable knights, often intervening in conflicts fought by neighboring settlements and patrolling the lands beyond its city's walls. Sometime between the 9th and 10th centuries, Elturel was ruled by High Rider Olanthius. During a prolonged excursion, Olanthius's love, the Lady Yael, was stolen away by the devil lord Nothius. The High Rider and his soldiers have chase to the devil, eventually bringing them into Avernus itself. Nothius was slain, alongside a legendary devil legion. However, while escaping the Riders were cut off by a second legion. Knowing they all couldn't make it out, Olanthius, Lady Yael, and the majority of the Riders sacrificed themselves so their comrades-in-arms could escape. For this daring act, the Riders became known as the Hellriders. For the next few centuries, Elturel's involvement in its neighbors' affairs would become increasingly more pervasive. By the middle of the 15th century, the various city states and villages surrounding Elturel were described as being under "Elturel's Guard." Modern History High Rider Klav Ikaia was revealed to be a vampire by Elturel's High Watcher of Helm, Naja Bellandi. Exposed, Ikaia began the Reign of Vampires, a twenty day nightmare that nearly brought Elturel to its knees, were it not for the timely intervention of the Companion.   Following this event, Naja Bellandi was made the new leader of Elturel and named High Observer. The subsequent High Rider was given dominion over only the Hellriders, a position further weakened by the newly formed Order of the Companion being placed above the Hellriders. Following Bellandi's unexpected death several years later, Cathasach Restat, the founder of the Order of the Companion, became the new High Observer. During Restat's rule, Elturel became increasingly theocratic and Restat's title was changed to the High Observer of Pelor. in less than a decade, all the various settlements under "Elturel's Guard" formally became absorbed into the new nation of Elturgard, formalizing a process that had begun centuries ago. In a bid to promote unity among all of the new nation's people, Restat turned towards the Companion as a unifying figure. Unity Prayers became law and Unity Tributes began appearing all over Elturel. Elturel also grew in size as it became the undisputed head of the region. After that, Cathasach Restat passed away and was replaced with High Observer Thavius Kreeg, a former priest of Kol Korran. Kreeg's rule has been predominately spent furthering unifying the new nation culturally. Unity Prayers and Tributes began appearing outside of Elturel and even began being incorporated into religious services.


As a holdover from the city's origins on a grassy plain, and foundation from horse riders, many of the streets in Elturel are instead referred to as "gallops," "canters," and "trots." For instance, rather than have a Dockside Way and Market Street, there is instead a Dockside Trot and Market Gallop. Most thoroughfares use "street," however, such as Maidensbridge Street.


Elturel is divided into three districts across the city. Located on the bluff above the city, stretching away from the High Hall, resides the High District. The area is characterized by tall, narrow houses festooned with balconies. There was a time when only nobles were allowed to live in the High District. This prohibition was long ago weakened and then abolished entirely, but the High District remains the demesne of Elturgard’s richest citizens. Below the bluff, on the east side of Elturel rests the Dock District. This is the oldest part of the lower city, the edge of which was once marked by the Short Loop River, which began from the spring beneath High Hall and ran down the length of the bluff before plunging over the Maiden's Leap to an incredibly short river that looped around to the Chionthar. The river is now more or less gone, having been transformed into the modern canal system which radically expanded the Elturian docks. A century of empire building, and the city's growth following the formation of Elturgard, has significantly improved the Dock District, as all the roads are cobbled with the same pale stone as can be found in the High District. Despite this, members of the Dock District are often known as "mucksuckers," a nickname that originally referred to the way boots would get stuck in the mud near the docks. On the west side of the High District's bluff is Westerly, home to Elturel's burgeoning middle class. It has more two- and three-story houses than the Dock District, and it tends to eschew the “smellier” businesses (like tanneries) that remain east of the gorge. The small West Docks became slightly preferred by travelers and this was even briefly ensconced into Elturian law, resulting in a lot of inns and travel houses sprouting up in the southern end of Westerly. In addition, the Maze, a subterranean labyrinth running under the streets of Elturel, often acted as an unofficial fourth district. The full extent of the Maze has never fully been charted, and rumors circulate that it could reach all the way into the Underdark.
Large city
Owning Organization