
Ghaunadaur is a intermediate deity and the god of abominations. Originally, Ghaunadaur parried with Lolth but following the War of the Spider Queen he left the pantheon to break off on his own. His portfolio included slimy creatures, outcasts, and rebels. Ghaunadaur was believed to be touched by the Far Realm.

Divine Domains

Ghaundar controls the Divine Domains of Cowardice, Hunger, and Destruction.

Tenets of Faith

All creatures have their place, and all are fit to wield power. Those who hunt weed out the weak and strengthen the stock of all. Those who rebel or who walk apart find new ways and try new things and do most to advance their races. Creatures of power best house the energy of life, which Ghaunadaur reveres and represents. Make sacrifices to the Eye, persuade others to sacrifice themselves to Ghaunadaur or in service of the Eye, further knowledge and fear of Ghaunadaur, and in the end give yourself to Ghaunadaur in unresisting self-sacrifice. Convert all beings to the worship of Ghaunadaur. Slay all clergy of other faiths, plundering their temples and holdings for wealth to better your own lot and to further the worship of Ghaunadaur.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity