
Gruumsh is the chaotic evil lord of marauding hordes, though some are known to worship her as a war god. While Bane's followers conquer, Gruumsh's slaughter, representing the carnage of war. She is known as the One-Eyed God, supposedly due to losing her left eye in a battle against Corellon (although many of his worshippers claim that she was born with only one eye, and did not in fact lose it in battle). Many orc priests wear eye patches to show their devotion to Gruumsh.   The followers of Gruumsh are thought to conquer and destroy, crush the weak, breed and let their numbers flourish, and let nothing stand in their way. But non-evil followers of Gruumsh take a more moderate approach. They do not automatically kill or enslave those they defeat, often even be spared, if not openly hostile hoping to strengthen the world as a whole. They do, however, seek to prove their own superiority at every opportunity through contests of strength and martial skill.   Gruumsh makes her lair in Chernoggar, where her forces clash with Bane's in an endless cycle of death and violence, all in the One-Eyed God's attempt to become the only war god in existence.

Divine Domains

Gruumsh Divine Portfolio encompasses Carnage, Survival, Strength, and Territory

Tenets of Faith

Gruumsh teaches her followers:  
  • The strong are meant to rule and the weak are meant to be crushed, their flesh rended and their blood spilled, their bodies killed or enslaved, because purging the world of weakness is what is best for all.
  • Runts and cripples are more than just a burden on society, but a sign of Gruumsh's disfavor, marked by their weakness for elimination.
  • That which does not kill, only makes them stronger.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity