
Often refered to as the Knowing Mistress, Ioun is the Goddess of knowledge, skill, and prophecy. Sages, seers, and tacticians revere her, as do all who live by their knowledge and mental power. Corellon is the patron of arcane magic, but Ioun is the patron of its study. Libraries and wizard academies are built in her name. Ioun is worshipped in the Temple of the Mind of Zerthadlun. She is said to be the second most popular deity among metallic dragons.
  Ioun was instrumental during the Dawn War to understand the methods and powers by which the primordials used to besiege the outer planes.
  Unfortunately they were gravely injured during the battles with the Betrayer Gods. While she joined the Sovereign Host on their path towards redemption, she would be forever healing from the wounds suffered at the hands of the Betrayer Gods.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Skill and Prophecy are part of Ioun's divine portfolio.

Tenets of Faith

Ioun's commands are also teachings:  
  • Seek the perfection of your mind by bringing reason, perception, and emotion into balance with one another.
  • Accumulate, preserve, and distribute knowledge in all forms. Pursue education, build libraries, and seek out lost and ancient lore.
  • Be watchful at all times for the followers of Vecna, who seek to control knowledge and keep secrets. Oppose their schemes, unmask their secrets, and blind them with the light of truth and reason.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity