
The god of Fire and Forge Onatar is revered by smiths, craftsmen, artificers, dwarves, and even a small proportion of warforged. Wizards and psions tied closely to the forces of fire also revere Onatar. It is he who introduced tools and weapons to the mortal races and continues to encourage people to improve upon them. Legend also states that it was he who gave fire to the mortals to help them through the cold winters. Moradin is said to have shaped the Dwarves within Onatar's forge before the Dawn War. Onatar and Moradin worked closely together during the Dawn War, forging armor and weapons to fight against the primordials. And after the Primal Mythal banished all the gods from the material plane, Onatar took it upon himself to forge the greatest gate for the dwarves to return home when they passed into the afterlife.

Divine Domains

Onatar's Divine Domains are that of Fire, Forge, Industry, Craft and Tools.

Tenets of Faith

Onatar leads his followers thusly:  
  • There is a tool for every situation, and no one tool can work in all situations.
  • Craft and forge great works throughout one's life, and set one's heart ablaze by the creations of others.
  • Be tempered and refined by the fire of one's life, every crack and chink sets one apart and brings opportunity to be forged anew.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity