
God of the sun and summer, Pelor is the keeper of time. He supports those in need and opposes all that is evil. As the lord of agriculture and the bountiful harvest, he is the deity most commonly worshiped by ordinary humans, and his priests are well received wherever they go. Paladins and rangers are found among his worshipers.
  Pelor fought in the great battles of the Dawn War where he forged his title as Dawnfather for he brought the force of the dawn against all evil, and singlehandedly turned the tide of many battles during the Betrayer Gods revolt.
  Becoming one of the chief deities of the Sovereign Host, Pelor led the Host back into the favor of mortals after the Primal Mythal was enacted.

Divine Domains

Sun and Summer are known to be part of Pelor's Domains.

Tenets of Faith

Pelor directs his followers thus:  
  • Alleviate suffering wherever you find it.
  • Bring Pelor’s light into places of darkness, showing kindness, mercy, and compassion.
  • Be watchful against evil.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity