Raiann Myastan

I grew up in Icewind Dale, specifically at the tip of the arctic tundra located on the Sword Coast. IWD weather was harsh and near-uninhabitable because it regularly had temperatures that plunged well below freezing and received little sunlight, particularly during the severe winter months.... which seemed to be all year. I spent the majority of my youth struggling on my own; trying to find a way to make it to the next day. Stealing from whoever was around for food and clothes while inhabiting the nearby caves for shelter. The struggles as a child built up a grit that I have carried with me since. I’ve been determined to be something....and to never have to struggle like this ever again.   While wandering thru the forest one early morning, I found myself looking for a new coat and some food to snack on I stumbled upon a small shack. With it looking damn near abandoned...I looked for a break from the snow.... when suddenly I felt like I was being watched. This was when I first meet the very mysterious Prospero...well first I meet his staff because he bust me right in the face and knocked me on my ass with it. Before I could even get fully back to my feet; I caught a glimpse of this person who was somewhere between 6 and 7 feet tall who at his age looked to be in great shape. He had to have been because I was no slouch myself yet I was knocked into the wall before he bellowed, “what the hell r you doing here”?   Struggling to get my barring, I explained my situation...being hungry and needing new clothes and he took pity on me. He said that I could have some food and the clothes IF I was to .... when do some work for him? I thought about just running with the coat but there was something about the glare from his eyes that made me not even want to take that chance....and I was in no hurry to getting my ass whooped again so I complied.   I did the chores and at the end of the day he offered me the floor to sleep on since the temperature dropped because of a blizzard. I said the weather wouldn’t bother me.... he gave me one of those glares and I shut up and accepted my sleeping arrangement.... which turned out to be my sleeping arrangement for years to come.   While staying with Prospero, I learned that he was a wizard...and he saw that I had something special in me. I had never been bothered by the cold, even as a child so he used some of his magic to see if he could find out if there was a reason for my ability. It turned out that I was magical...and had the potential to be a powerful ice wizard. I was also a quick study because I picked up on it very quickly. I was tutored by Prospero for 9 years before he unexplainably disappeared. Not a goodbye. Not a note. Nothing. I went out one afternoon to grab wood for a fire, but when I got back to the cottage...he was gone. There was no struggle or anything. He was just gone. I searched the area for a few days and then assumed that he left my life in just as a mysterious way as he had entered it. And now it was time for me to move on.   From there I found myself alone again but with a yet another purpose....to become a more powerful wizard. And to figure out what happened to Prospero. I then packed a bag and ventured out on a new excursion into those woods where I ventured to nearby cities for work. On one of these trips in the forest I meet with...........  



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Ridgegar's Leftovers Cookbook

Parents (Adopting)
light blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
silver scales
275 lbs