
Selûne also known as Our Lady of Silver and the Moonmaiden, is the goddess of the moon. She governs the ebb and flow of tides and comforts the world with her silvery glow in the black of night. She constantly battles the darkness of her sister Shar. The ranks of Selûne’s faithful include mariners, travelers, and those who seek comfort in the night. Selûne is kind, caring, and ageless, ever waxing and waning in power. She is often associated with Anerth's largest moon Leira.

Divine Domains

Moon and Tides are within Selûne's Divine Portfolio

Tenets of Faith

Selûne encourages her worshipers to do the following:  
  • Never lose hope or faith, for every force in the world ebbs and flows.
  • Bring light to the darkness, and hold back the tide of evil.
  • Seek out creatures who bear the curse of lycanthropy, curing those who hope to end their affliction and destroying those who have succumbed to the beast within.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity