
Shar, the Mistress of the Night, was the goddess of the night and sister to Selûne. She is worshiped by souls consumed with bitterness and loss, who seek to turn sorrow into vengeance and exact suffering in kind. Shar resides in shadow, nurturing secret hatreds, unnatural desires, and a lust for revenge.
  Immediately after Mamnor was slain at the beginning of the Dawn War, Shar swore vengence upon every priomordial that took part in Mamnor's Death. Shar rallied the gods and in the dead of night led the first retaliation against the primordials. After the Dawn War ended Shar continued to hunt down primordials with a vengeful fury.
  During the War of Winter Shar felt betrayed by her sister Selûne. Shar sided with Khala in the War but Sehenine and Selûne worked together to keep Shar distracted until Pelor arrived at dawn.

Divine Domains

Shar's Domains are that of Night, Loss, and Vengence.

Tenets of Faith

Shar issues these commands to her followers:  
  • Place your trust in the Mistress of the Night, for she will lead you through the darkness.
  • Never forget a slight or a loss, for those who have hurt you must suffer in kind.
  • Never forget that the darkness is your friend, hiding your secrets and cloaking you from the suffering and pain of the world.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity