
Sune is the deity of beauty, apologies, and with governance also over love—typically love base on outward beauty. Sune is benevolent and sometimes whimsical. She always appears as a radiantly beautiful red-haired woman of incredible charm. She alternates between deep passions and casual flirtations and has been romantically tied to many of the other deities. Sune enjoys attention and sincere flattery, and avoids anyone who is horrific or boorish. Known as Lady Firehair, she loves and protects her followers, who now in turn manifest and protect the beauty of the world.
  Sune committed many atrocities during the war with the Betrayer Gods and after Primal Mythal banished the gods from the material plane, Sune cried over the damage she had caused in the name of loving her children. She vowed to never cause destruction in the name love ever again and joined the Sovereign Host in restitution for the damages the gods wrought on the material plane.

Divine Domains

Love, Beauty, and Tender Emotion all fall into Sune's Divine Domains.

Tenets of Faith

Sune teachs her followers:  
  • Beauty is more than skin deep. It issues from the core of one’s being and reveals one’s true face to the world, fair or foul
  • Perform a loving act each day, seek to awaken love in others, and respond to love at least once a day
  • Follow your heart to your true destination as true love will win over all.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity