
Tharizdun is the evil god of madness and annihilation. During the Dawn War, Tharizdun felt he needed no help from the gods to battle the primordials, just more power. He found that power in a shard of evil at the edge of the universe. When he touched the shard, he was transformed and twisted by the evil power of the shard into something unrecognizable.   The dark god drove the shard into the maelstrom that would become the Elemental Chaos. The shard spawned the Infinite Layers of the Abyss and the demons.   As a result of creating the Abyss, Tharizdun was imprisoned by the other gods and sealed away in another plane. His name is not known by many, even among his followers. He is often referred to as the Chained God.   He may also have been the unnamed god that peeked through the Living Gate with Pelor and Ioun, and later killed its guardian and destroyed it, allowing the Far Realm to enter the Astral Sea.   Even imprisoned, he managed to find a way to influence some, causing them to believe he is a primordial seeking to destroy the gods who imprisoned him. They call him the Elder Elemental Eye, not knowing that he and the Chained God are the same being.   His followers now work to free him. Many of them are insane and do not realize that releasing Tharizdun from imprisonment means that he will seek to destroy all of creation.

Divine Domains

Tharizdun's Divine Portfolio includes Insanity and Entropy.

Tenets of Faith

Tharizdun's followers follow only a few tenets:
  • Light must be snuffed, perfection decayed, order dissolved, and minds fragmented. All things eventually crumble, and in time Tharizdun's victory over the gods will be complete.
  • Spread chaos and destruction in the Chained God's name.
  • Suffer the demon to enter the world and bring it closer to the Chained God.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity