The Feywild

The Feywild, also sometimes called the land of Faerie, is a place bright with magic. Those who wander its enchanted roads discover miracles and wonders undreamed of in the mortal world. In the Feywild, the laws of science, logic, and reason defer to the arts of magic, story, and rhyme. Ordinary animals and objects converse as eloquently as any worldly mortal. Enchanted forests wander across the landscape like herds of roving sheep. Glorious castles perch on mountain spires that touch the starry heavens, and a bold traveler can board a vessel to a fey palace on the moon. Fairies anoint the dewdrops on morning flowers, and in the evening, satyrs play their gentle pipes to lull the world to sleep.   Yet for all its dreamlike splendor, the plane can be as perilous as the Elemental Chaos with its random explosions of stone and fire, and as deadly as the life-sapping Shadowfell. Here wicked hags place everlasting curses on their enemies, change mortals into toads, and blacken the moon in their flight across the midnight sky. Capricious fey play careless games with mortal lives. Underground caverns sprawl the length of the world above, and in these dark places, fomorian tyrants, brutal cyclopses, and hateful drow await the day when they will overthrow the surface dwellers. Those who are drawn to this realm of enchantment and danger must take care, for wonders and horrors beyond imagining lie around every bend in the woodland road.

Localized Phenomena

Feywild Magic

Tales speak of children kidnapped by fey creatures and spirited away to the Feywild, only to return to their parents years later without having aged a day, and with no memories of their captors or the realm they came from. Likewise, adventurers who return from an excursion to the Feywild are often alarmed to discover upon their return that time flows differently on the Plane of Faerie, and that the memories of their visit are hazy.  

Domains of Delight

Domains of Delight are to the Feywild what Domains of Dread are to the Shadowfell: sequestered realms governed by powerful beings. Whereas a Domain of Dread is ruled by a Darklord, a Domain of Delight is ruled by an archfey—the most powerful of Fey creatures. An archfey gives form to their Domain of Delight, shaping it in ways unique to their personality. Some Domains of Delight are bright and cheery, while others are gloomy, but each one reflects the emotional state of its ruler. A Domain of Delight can be as small as a few acres or as big as a country.
Alternative Name(s)
The land of Faerie
Dimensional plane


Fey creatures are divided into a number of factions. Though these factions claim some loyalty to their chosen archfey, there is little to bind a creature to a faction permanently.   Court of Stars: Periodically, representatives of the factions assemble in a grand conclave hosted by the Summer Queen. Each of these gatherings is partly a political or business meeting and partly a time of revelry and friendly competition. Among the factions that might be in attendance at any time are those described here.   Court of Coral: The Court of Coral encompasses the aquatic and island-dwelling fey, ruled by the Sea lords. The Sea lords oversee the rivers and seas of the Feywild.   Gloaming Fey: The Gloaming Fey are associated with dreams, darkness, stars, twilight, and dusk. They owe allegiance to a variety of archfey, the most famous of which is the Maiden of the Moon, a formidable hunter and the bane of all lycanthropes.   Goblin Court: With ideals of mischief, mayhem, sneakery, rumpus and ruin, the Goblin Court often finds itself tricking and causing trouble within other courts.   Green Fey: The Green Fey are the servants of Oran the Green lord, the loftiest of the archfey of nature. Most of the Green Fey are forest-dwelling creatures, such as hamadryads, satyrs, and elves.   House of the Wing: Now millenia after their invention of birds long ago, the House of the Wing is the only major family left without a court in the Feywild.   Seelie Fey: The Summer Fey embody the innate beauty and power of their patron, Tiandra, the Summer Queen. Of all of the archfey, Tiandra commands the largest following of Sidhe lords and other eladrin.   Unseelie Fey: Though they have no true representative among the Court of Stars, there are fey creatures of evil, maliciousness, and corruption that are collectively known as the Unseelie fey. Many of these creatures draw power or are shaped by the power of shadow, drawn from the Feywild's opposite counterpart, the Shadowfell.   Winter Fey: Fey creatures bound to the icy power of winter rarely consider themselves to belong to any faction and have no true leader. The most powerful among them is the Prince of Frost, and those who follow him and similar fey lords are roughly grouped together as the Winter Fey.