The Seven Canaries

It has been known Bahamut had seven gold dragons on his divine council. They were his military generals, dipolmats, and poltical advisors. During the War of Winter they followed Bahamut into battle and led the charge against the forces of Evil. Regardless of their intention, their battles left much ruin in their wake. Much was the suffering during the War of Winter. But much of that conflict ended when the world fought back. The Earth had faced enough suffering and summoned an overwhelming and previously thought impossible spell. This high magic, now known as the Primal Mythal, pushed all the gods back to the Outer Planes and sealed off the Parallel worlds from their influence. When Bahamut was banished because the Primal Mythal, his seven gold dragon champions remained on the material plane. Many were lost without the connection to their gods, But Bahamut's champions understood the crimes the gods were guilty of, and why this punishment was needed.   The seven champions began to travel the material plane and worked to restore the trust in the gods. They split up and spread out all arcoss the material plane. With them they brought justice and protection. The champions delighted in this work, and rejoiced at the chance to repair what their war caused. Each of the seven champions found their own way to honor and protect the mortals of the material plane. They were some of the first messangers of the Sovereign Host, and often worked to rebuild trust outside of their own divine connections. For this had to move beyond justice alone.   But wherever the champions went, ruin shortly followed. Many blamed the gods for the lulling of magic after the Primal Mythal was enacted. And many more sought after the champions seeking justice, repentance, opportunity, or power. The champions never could settle down, for word would spread, and soon enough, an assassin, or an army, or a demon lord would come for them. And after each incident the champions stood alone in ruined cities with death all around them. And they wept, for this was not justice nor honor.  
After years and years of this perpetual loss the champions continued to call out in prayer. They pleaded with Bahamut to make them forget themselves. The champions wished to continue their work but could not bare to witness more destruction follow in their wake. Surely if they forgot who they were, they could no longer be targeted. In an act unexpected by the champions, Bahamut revealed himself to them as an old man. He had with him seven gold canaries, and Bahamut told them each to take one and sleep with it next to them that night. When the champions fell asleep the canaries took their draconic lives and flew back to Bahamut on Mount Celestia. The next morning the champions woke anew and forever changed.   Unknown of their previous draconic life, each champion lived and worked and died striving to bring justice on the material plane. And when they died, a golden canary came to take them home to Celestia. Along the journey they recount their life to the canary and wish to do more for the people they loved so much.   But it is said, the golden canary returns to Celestia alone. It brings with it only news of this champions most recent life. Some say that the dragon champions of Bahamut still walk the material plane forever being reincarated by their canary guides.