The Traveler

The Traveler, titled "The Crown of Chaos and Change" and in some lands known as the Giver of Gifts, is a chaotic neutral or unaligned deity. The Traveler presides over the portfolios of chaos, deception, evolution, invention, and transformation; or influences the areas of change, cunning, deception, and innovation; or oversees the provinces of change and chaos. It has an aspect as a god of artifice and artificers.

Divine Domains

The Traveler presides over chaos, deception, evolution, invention, and transformation.

Tenets of Faith

The Traveler's commandments usually need to be deduced. However, some known common tenets are:  
  • Nothing is permanent. Thus, followers should make sure that change helps them and hinders their rivals. As change strengthens people and chaos pushes evolution.
  • Cunning plans and intricate deceptions are the most effective weapons, for mortal minds can be predicted and easily manipulated.
  • Revealing one's true self is weakness. Instead, followers should cover themselves in disguise and deception, until not even they knew the truth of themselves.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity