
Vecna is the evil god of secrets, the undead and necromancy. He is usually depicted as a mummified, desiccated corpse missing his left hand and left eye. His many titles include the Arch-Lich, the Maimed God and the Whispered One.
  Born a mortal wizard, he ascended to lichdom after assuming a mastery of the dark arts that no mortal had ever achieved, before or since. He is considered to be the most powerful wizard and lich to ever exist, as well as the most evil. At the height of his power, he was betrayed by his trusted lieutenant, the vampire Kas the Bloody-Handed, who destroyed Vecna's mortal body, leaving only his left hand and left eye behind. Sometime after the battle, Vecna rose to godhood and now seeks to usurp the powers and positions of all other gods until he is the only god left in existence. He is opposed by good gods and some evil gods. While he does not like the Raven Queen, he prefers her to Orcus as the god of death.
  Ioun is often considered to be Vecna's antithesis, because she wishes to share with the world all the knowledge that Vecna would rather keep secret.

Divine Domains

Vecna's Domains are Secrets, Undeath, and Forbidden Knowledge.

Tenets of Faith

Venca teaches his followers:  
  • There exists a secret that can destroy any being, no matter how powerful that being is.
  • Strength and power, says Vecna, come from knowing and controlling what others do not.
  • In the middle of every heart hides a seed of darkness kept hidden from all but the self. Finding that secret evil and exploiting it is the key to undoing one’s enemies.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity