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Ghost Squadron

Ghost Squadrom was a criminal organization consisting of leader Ghostface and his crew known as Wraiths which operated between the years of 1396-1403.


Operation: Shadowfall 1396

  Operation: Shadowfall was the first major job organized by the Ghost Squadron targetting a major Maxmon Industries Netric Warehouse. The crew would take on a much quieter approach for their first hit as the primary goal of the mission was to simply send a message to Maxmon Industries. The crew would utilize stealth and non-eathal methods to complete the assignment, cutting the power off the entire facility which gives the reasoning behind the name "Shadowfall." The crew proceeded to steal approxamantly 2.5 Million Credits worth of Netric leaving behind nothing besides a wall with the crews insignia and "Ghost Squadron," spray painted across the entry doors to the warehouse.    

Operation: Nightcrawler 1399

  Three years after making their presence known, the Squadron would plot out their next big hit against Maxmon Industries. In 1399, the crew would strike Maxmon Industries from within. The crew would find entrance through the top of Maxmon Tower and sneak their way using their methodical stealth tactics to their advantage. Until they reached their target, Ghost Squadron proceeded to use their non-lethal methods. Once reaching their server room, the crew would begin uploading a cyber-attack wiping out information accross all systems. Alarms would trigger and their goal of total wipage would only come down to 57% of Maxmon's data being deleted. The crew would then assure their escape by utilizing lethal methods to escape the oncoming security eventually escaping in a ACPD vehicle which would later be reported as stolen. As expected, Ghost Squadron left their mark by spray painting a meeting rooms glass with their logo and name. Although not a total success, their operation would make headlines across Angelica's media outlets and begin inspiring other's who've been hurt by the corporate hierarchy to rebel.    

Operation: Soul Snatcher 1400

  A year after Ghost Squadron's internal cyber-attack on Maxmon Tower, they would make their next more shortly after with the operation which defined the era. CEO of Maxmon Industries, Sophia Maxmon, was to unveil a brand new set of technologies in a public panel, streaming live to all of Angelica City. With millions watching, the CEO of Maxmon Industries would be shot in the head from a sniper. By the time action was taken, Ghost Squadron had left leaving the roof of the building they perched on spray painted with their logo and name as usual.     

Operation: Phantom Dream 1403

  After a few years of staying quiet, Ghost Squadron would make their largest and final attack on Maxmon Industries. In this time, Maxmon Industries was planning to relocate and move all assets to the brand newest version of Maxmon Tower. With all assets moving, there also went their most important secrets and that's what Ghost Squadron targeted. Chasing the location of an armored vehicle, Ghost Squadron was quick to take action and knew this was going to go hot quickly. Taking out the uncooporative security guards, the crew attempted their best to simply steal the assits, but with quick response of the ACPD, the plan went south in a matter of seconds. Overwhelmed they were, firing back at ACPD Officers until they unfortunately took a loss in one of their own. A Wraith was finally hit, and hit badly he was. Being the keen and quick thinking leader he was, Ghostface made the decision to outright take the armored truck. So they did, leaving with truck and with the utilization of smoke grenades would eventually lose the Angelica City Police Force and steal important works such as the notorios journal of Jebidiah Maxmon.     

Disbandment Of Ghost Squadron

  It's said that directly after Operation: Phantom Dream, the group disbanded after losing a member of the team. It's uncertain but with nearly two decades passing by and no word or sign of Ghost Squadron running the streets against the corporate hierarchy, it's safe to say that the unfortunate loss of a team member was the reason for this total disappearance from the scene.    One thing for sure is that their message against corporations is still carried on as numerous individuals terming themselves as Cyberpunks run the streets, completing jobs for and against corporations through numerous avenues. For once the spotlight is shining down on the common folk of Angelica City and their stories finally come to life as they find infamey through stories like the one's Ghostface and his crew of Wraiths were able to create.


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