Asha ---sc24 (Aw-z-uh)

The General

Betrayed by her family, cut down by a friend, Asha was kicked over The Crevasse and out of the golden halls of heaven forever.   Sustaining a mortal wound, her wings unable to open in the Crevasse, Asha plummeted, with increasing speed and force, straight into the deep abyss of hell. Landing at Lucifer's feet, Asha rose from the smoldering wreckage and, carrying the burnt husk of her soul, trekked through the dangers of the enemy camp, regrowing her body and her wings.   Following instinct she navigated to the Garden and it was there, no longer blinded by the bright light of heaven nor the shadows of hell, that she allowed her true colors to show.She joined other fallen angels and other risen demons, and settled in the garden to heal, to rest, to thrive.   Ignoring the ongoing battles between heaven and hell, she no longer involves herself in the never-ending war. She lives her life in her own castle in the Garden. Without fear. Without worry. Knowing neither heaven nor hell could ever control or defeat her. She was free of all dogma, all dictates, and all doctrines. Free of all constrictions, all restrictions, and all restraints. Free to wear her own colors and live a life of peace in the Garden.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised deep in the heart of heaven, surrounded by heaven's best, Asha grew up strong and proud and certain of her position in life. Raised on a solid doctrine, she quickly rose through Angel Academy ranks, earning top marks, and training with the best, to be the best. After years of hard work and diligent warring and demolition of top demon outposts she was promoted and spent several millennia as Gabriel's right hand and war chief. She was a decorated war hero with countless demon deaths in her portfolio.


Private Tutors Angel Academy


Main general and warchief for heaven in the war against hell