Anglence Homepage | World Anvil
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Summer 38th, 100 CE

Created and written by Peter Crall
Located in the middle of an ocean, the continent of Anglence is a crescent moon shaped land mass with 3 dominant species, humans, Veldmathi (elves), and Arablat (dwarves). The world has magic, but much knowledge of it has been lost to time by the humans.   This world is built for a DnD 5e campaign set after the fall of the Dragon Riders, and starting in Alosa. If you wish to run a campaign in this world, just know that the contents of the world are apt to change, as I am running a campaign and regularly updating and improving the world.   This world draws heavy inspiration from several book series, including Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkin, and Inheritance Cycle, by Christopher Paolini. This world is a work of fiction and any relation to real events or people is a coincidence.



Homebrew / In Development