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The Feywild is a land of soft lights and wonder, a place of music and death. It is a realm of everlasting twilight, with glittering faerie lights bobbing in the gentle breeze and fat fireflies buzzing through groves and fields. The sky is alight with the faded colors of an ever-setting sun, which never truly sets—or risies, for that matter—but remains stationary, dusky and low in the sky. Away from the settled areas ruled by the seelie fey that compose the Summer Court, the land is a tangle of sharp-toothed brambles and syrupy fens—perfect territory for unaligned fey to hunt their prey.   The Feywild exists in parallel to the Material Plane, an alternate dimension that occupies the same cosmological space. The landscape mirros the natural world of Exandria but turns its features into spectacular forms. Where a volcano stands in Exandria, a mountain topped with skyscraper-sized crystals that glow with internal fire towers in the Feywild, and so on.   The Feywild is inhabited by sylvan creatures such as elves, dryads, satyrs, pixies, and sprites, as well as centaurs and magical creatures such as blink dogs, faerie dragons, treants, and unicorns. The darker regions of the plane are home to such malevolent creatures as hags, blights, ogres, and giants.   Fey creatures on this plane either belong to the Summer or Winter Courts or remain unaligned. Creatures aligned to a Court gain greater power from their connection to Summer or Winter in exchange for binding themselves to the Laws of Fey. While bound, fey are physically unable to break these laws and cannot comprehend the idea of doing so. The laws are as follows: speak no false words, break no oaths, and harm no outsiders. Fey bound by these laws quickly learn the loopholes in the magic and take advantage of them whenever it is convenient, making life in a fey Court one of constant danger and intrigue.   Two major Courts rule the Feywild, including the settlements therein. The Summer Court rules in the west and the Winter Court in the east, with a vast stretch of land between them. Both Courts have three female rulers: the Mother, the Queen, and the Lady. Although the Mothers, considered by many to be the most powerful beings short of the gods, are functionally immortal, if one of them somehow dies both the Queen and the Lady of their Court are promoted. For example, the Summer Queen would become Mother Summer, Lady Summer would become the Summer Queen, and the new Summer Queen would choose a Lady from the other sidhe in the Court. A similar process occurs should the Queen or the Lady die, so the Lady makes sure to keep candidates for replacement around at all times. Although these women keep their names when they ascend the ranks, over time the Summer and Winter Queens tend to become ever more like the Queen before them as the magic of the Queenhood overcomes them.

Fauna & Flora

Known Feywild flora include mesmershrooms, the tschom-paa, blood grass, and gallow vines.
Alternative Name(s)
The Plane of Faerie
Dimensional plane


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