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Session 3: A Legend Lives

General Summary

As the party gathered themselves and entered the main chamber of the underground Tomb of Citheus, a sight to behold was made. Beyond the door was the vision of an active volcano with magma not fifty feet below them, with a large stone pillar in the center. Atop this pillar stood a fire giant hammering at a greatsword. The fire giant, too occupied with his current craft, did not notice the party at first. Only after growing nearer and making themselves known, did the fire giant take notice. This fire giant is Citheus. He stood tall, and ancient with an ash grey beard dangling from his face. The first words he spoke rang in the party's ears; "Intruders?" Only after some miscommunication between the party and Citheus were the intentions made clear. The party needed adamantine for their quest, and Citheus had no intention of fighting the party. During the clarification of the party's goals did they realize they were followed by another adventuring party.   The other party, shocked to see a fire giant still in this mountain let out an exclamation of surprise. This party made their intentions and goals quite clear; to kill the giant and claim the riches and adamantine for themselves. Both parties immediately clashed spells and swords. It was only until Citheus was truly annoyed with the other intruders did he intervene. Though during the battle, Grabble Grasp revealed a once hidden part of himself to the party. Underneath a thick mining glove, Grabble Grasp revealed his 5 headed chromatic dragon arm. A wave of dismay hit the other party members which only fueled the awesomeness of the battle. The battle was swift and exacting in the other party's demise. Citheus, grateful for the assistance of the party to deal with the other "rats," gifted the party a thirty pound ingot of adamantine, so long as they left the bodies of the other intruders untouched. This bargain was nearly tainted when Citheus spotted Orion Blackburn rummaging through his loot. As penance for this treachery, Citheus demanded Orion's Slippers of Spider Climbing. Luckily, with some quick thinking and Grabble Grasp's Charisma was he able to negotiate down to some minor magical items. After the deal was complete, the party learned that Citheus has been spending his time preparing to defeat and kill Chromatic Dragons; a drastic change from what his previous life of indiscriminately killing dragons spoke of. He informed the party that he was training to kill an Ancient White Dragon to the far north. As he had no intention of bringing an eager Grabble Grasp on this mission, he instead informed the party of a Red Dragon on an island to the southeast of the Smithsboro Peaks. Once all was said and done, the party left the volcano and left Citheus in peace.   After exiting the tomb from a secret exit in the mountain, the party made their was back to the city of Hafr. After the party returned to The Unkind Dog, the party started their downtime drinking and canoodling. The Brothers immediately started to drink with the intended desire to "Never forge sober." During this time, Grabble Grasp and Orion discussed the current situation that is Grabble Grasp's arm. Afterwards, Orion desired to rizz up a woman at the bar, unfortunately, due to Grabble Grasps massive rizz, Grabble Grasp easily and quickly stole the heart of the maiden. Dirk Stålhjerte and Derrik Stålhjerte and Orion made their way to Hold to speak with Gravel about the job being completed. Orion, being low on funds, Orion requested a slight advance on the payment of 100 GP, which Gravel nearly denied. After gathering themselves back at The Unkind Dog, the party began to prepare for the many days of hard work ahead of them.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Citheus
  • Gravel
Report Date
03 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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