BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 7: Some Slight Excursions

General Summary

After the party ventured through the new and intersting city of Barakimb, the brothers realized that they were in need of a cart. They found themselves an interesting cart salesman, who seemed, a little off. But nevertheless sold them a normal cart. Afterwards, the party sought to venture to the beach. That would be an interesting event indeed. Kaval and Volcun, both at the beach, but not together, found themselves in an odd game of cat and mouse, where Vulcun was below the the sea, venturing in the mystical world of under the sea. And Kaval, noticing the abnormalities with the sea life's behavior, investigated. At which point chaos ensued resulting in the party arriving at the docks, and the guards telling people to shove off.    Once the sideshow of the "beach episode" was finished, the party went back to the inn to rest for the night. In the morning, the characters decided to investigate the job board and found a few jobs that seemed interesting to them. Namely, "Check on my Grandpa" and "Thieving Squirrel." The job to check on someone's grandpa was offering a hefty reward, mainly because of its difficulty to reach the grandfather. And as for the thieving squirrels, Orion had a personal vendetta for this job as a squirrel stole a nice piece of jewelry from him.    Once the party decided to investigate the grandfather, they moved to contact Steph at the Cobbler's Stone. After discussing the nature of the job and the reward, the party learned that the grandfather lived in the outskirts of the Darkmoor Swamp, and that the grandfather would be willing to pay for the lungs of any Giant Crocodiles the party salvaged from the local wildlife. Once the party was off, and delved into the swamp, it didn't take too long for the Giant Crocodiles to find their prey. Three crocodiles attempted to sneak up to the party, one of them was immediately discovered, but it was only after the party engaged the crocodile did the other too ambush them with a surprise attack. Unsurprisingly though, the crocodiles were defeated, and their lungs harvested, as well as some crocodile skin for later use.
Report Date
11 Apr 2023


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