BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 8: Family, Futures, and Fortitude

General Summary

After defeating the 3 giant crocodiles and getting their much needed, the party continued their way further into the Darkmoor Swamp to find the home of Steph's grandfather, Robert Bullfrog. When they arrived at the home of Robert Bullfrog, they quickly discovered that the man was slain. Robert's body was found with an arrowwood through the chest, and his home turned upside down (figuratively). His entire laboratory was destroyed and most of his items were either stolen or destroyed. There were a few things that were not destroyed, possibly missed by the intruder. These included a potion, and the items Robert Bullfrog had in his hidden safe. After some more investigation, the party discovered that he was a biologist working to create a new type of potion that could allow one to hold their breath for a great deal of time, hours longer than regular water breathing potions. Upon further investigation, and through accidental discovery, they realized that along with the arrowwound, Robert was heavily poisoned. So much so that Grabble Grasp was temporarily paralyzed after licking Robert's arrow wound. Once their investigations were over, they rested and then used a "speak with dead" spell on Robert to gather even more information about what happened. In the end, they buried Robert and left his home to soon return to Steph with news.   Then, returning to Barakimb, they immediately visited Steph with news of what happened, as well as a possible name as to who orchestrated the killing. The current prime suspect is the Mystic Materia Corporation. Steph promptly gave her thanks for their help. The party also promised to investigate the Mystic Materia Corporation, but Steph was plenty happy with they have already done. She then paid them for their services and they were on their way.   Once the party completed the job, "Check on my Grandpa," the party decided that they wanted to go and get their fortune read to them by a local psychic. The party made their way to where the advertisement instructed and entered the domicile of Madam Woodland, a wood elf. The first person to get their fortune read was Dirk. Dirk wanted to know what his future in smithing looked like, to which Madam Woodland foresaw him becoming a great smithy, with his own store and success galore. Next was Grabble Grasp, who, was definitely skeptical of her abilites. Unfortunately for Madam Woodland, that skepticism would be the catalyst for the chaotic next 10 minutes. As she read his fortune, or at least attempted to, the noise of the party's questions and doubts clouded her vision, which only fueled their disbelief more so, to the point where they took criminal action against her with attempting her to force her to only tell truths against her will, attempt to pick pocket her, and even steal her possessions in her bedroom. This culminated into her being sent into a rage as Orion took her crystal ball and all left the facility. To rub salt in the wound, they even cast a "Silence" spell on the area, preventing her from being able to call the guards.    It was only after all the drama of robbing the psychic did the party, namely Orion, arrive at the Grimoire Galley for his initiation into the organization. After introducing the party to Talas, Orion requested that they may be able to spectate Orion during his trials, whatever those trials may be. They were granted to observe and were all taken to a room in the back of the Grimoire Galley. Talas instructed Orion to lay on the altar and the party to sit in one of the available seats. Talas then asked Orion if he was willing and of sound mind to attempt the trials; and with conformation, Talas poked Orion in the forehead with a small needle which sent him into a deep slumber. Orion's trials were to take place in his own mind. Orion was faced with 3 different challenges, each to represent some sort of lesson that he must learn to be a part of the Order. Those lessons being: The Preservation of Knowledge, Confronting Death, and the final test, and possibly the most painful, a test to determine Orion's loyalty; live in a bliss, or return to one's studies and goals. Unsurprisingly, Orion completed each of these challenges, granting him entrance and admissions into the Order of the Scribes.
Report Date
02 May 2023


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