Animalia galaxy Mammalia is Founded

Mammalia is Founded



Altissus appears to a large grouping of poor Mammalians who are celebrating community and a shared harvest, divvying up extra crops amongst the various families in attendance, some of whom have traveled days to attend the charitable event. To reward their generosity, Altissus blesses the crops and they magically multiply until their is more than plenty for everyone to get through the upcoming winter. She bestows upon them the shared name of Mammalians and declares that despite their many differences, they are best suited to work together and treat each other as kin. As another symbol of her blessing, being the goddess of motherhood, she blesses a female in attendance representing each region/subrace and promises they will soon be with child. The mammalians declare these blessed children as the sons and daughters of Altissus and the rightful heirs to rule over their respective regions. As such, their families become the first noble families in the country they've now dubbed Mammalia.

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