House Pelicanus

Notable Members

Heads of House

Lord Crotalus, Ex-Major of the WingGuard
Lady Alba (orginally of House Ardea) (dec.)


Sir Heroll, First-Son, Sworn Arch-Knight of the Blackfeather, Heir to His House
Lanier, First-Born Daughter, Chief Aerling of the WingGuard
Sir Caspian, Second-Born Son, Sworn Knight of the Blackfeather, Ex-Aerling of the WingGuard, Swornsword to Heiress Ophelia of House Laniidae


Lord Thagus of House Pelicanus, Ex-Major of the WingGuard (dec.)


House Pelicanus is a long-living dynasty of high-ranking military birds of Ornithuria. For the past two centuries, one can find mentions of the Pelicanus name littered throughout the WingGuard service records. Twice, its patriarchs (Lord Thagus and his son, Lord Crotalus) have reached the rank of Major, with a strong possibility in a third, found in Crotalus' daughter, Lanier, who would be the first third-generation Major in the WingGuard's history. Along

with their place within the WingGuard, quite a few have enlisted as Knights of the Blackfeather, a group of Ornithuria-based knights officially recognized by the Animal Kingdom directly succeeding its formation in 1697.

Lord Thagus acted as Major during the Great Dying, commanding squadrons of Aerlings, his own son in company. Under the direction of Lord Tyrus of House Laniidae and Lady Caurina of House Brachyrhynchos, Thagus went on to become one of the most highly honored Majors, leading his Aerlings to victory in every battle they fought. Taking after his father, Lord Crotalus rose to Major post-war.

House Pelicanus is often recognized for their stern and stoic house-members, affectionately being nicknamed the "birds who cannot laugh" by fellow Ornithurians.

The house faced a minor political scandal when the youngest of House Pelicanus, Caspian, was discharged from the WingGuard. Eventually swearing himself not only as a Knight of the Blackfeather, but, after some discussion as to what would be meaningful to him, to the young Ophelia of House Laniidae, Heiress of Her House.

Notable Company

Lord Balthazaar of House Laniidae, Duke of Ornithuria
Ophelia of House Laniidae, Heiress to Her House
Jarnold of House Mantidae, Ward to House Laniidae
Crowley of House Brachyrhynchos, Scrivener to House Laniidae, Warling of the Mashhad Altuyuri
House Pelicanus is known for its: Obedience, Austerity, and Martial Abilities