Mashhad Altuyuri

The 'Raptors, All-Knowing'

Unknowable Beginnings

The Mashhad Altuyuri, sometimes known as the Raptors, All-Knowing, are a highly exclusive proto-religious Ornithurian order comprised of various houses (not all of which were thought to fall under the previous term 'raptor') that, at some point in time unknown, banded together under a singular house name Raptoria after supposedly deciphering a forgotten text, known as the Alkitabu, found in the caves of the Aversari Peaks that allowed them to gaze. Living in seclusion for decades, they were at first thought to be no more than a fanatic cult, until members of the Mashhad descended from their mountaintop home into the towns of Ornithuria to display three miracles, or the Three Auspices.

The Three Auspices

First, Kahin Balaeniceps descended to meet with the people of House Cormora. Balaeniceps lifted his wing and placed it atop the head of Lord Gaimardi. Gaimardi saw as Balaeniceps withdrew a silver dagger and attempted to stab him with it before it actually happened. Gaimardi was able to sidestep the attack and Balaeniceps was promptly arrested. Guards found Balaeniceps' cell empty the next morn; in his place a small booklet of writing explaining how he had blessed Gaimardi with temporary gaze. The booklet ushered Gaimardi to heed the warnings of the Mashhad.   Second, Kahin Cathartes descended to meet with the people of House Anatini. There he spoke to Lady Diazi about the Mashhad and their learnings. After speaking with her, performing strange gestures and offerings as he did, a duplicate of Diazi appeared, walking and talking like she. Diazi and the town folk watched, bewildered as their Lady existed twice. Then with the flick of Cathartes' finger, the second Diazi fell dead to the ground. Cathartes vanished, leaving behind a booklet as well.   Third, Kahin Peregrinus descended to meet with the people of House Ardea. She moved through the town so quickly the towns folk barely knew who had come by. Moving people to places in the blink of an eye, writing messages on walls that appeared in an instant. It was as if she could slow down time to her advantage. She too, in her wake, left, but a booklet describing the Mashhad.

The Mashhad's Silence

After the three Auspices, the people of Ornithuria were understandably confused and intrigued by the Mashhad. Leaders from across the land ventured to their mountaintop cave, only to be denied access. Those who tried to force their way in found it completely impossible. The Mashhad have been historically a silent group, only ever so often speaking to outsiders as they are said to ponder the Alkitabu in their cave endlessly. When they have spoken, it has been through cryptic speeches or letters. One such example is their request that individual families coalesce into broader houses under one name. Only a few houses throughout the land took this to heart. Of course years later this happened anyways because due to the Great Dying. Some take their words to heart, viewing them as prophecies destined to come true. Others view them as talented and rare spellcasters who exploit their power by holding dominion over those who heed their every word.   There may be no more prominent example of the ire the Mashhad's silence can draw than their quiet during the Great Dying. Called upon many times, they refused to engage in helping any parties for years. Labelled as dissenters by primary Ornithurian forces such as Lord Thagus of House Pelicanus and Lord Tyrus of House Laniidae at various points during the war, the Mashhad's only answer to the Vertebral queries read as such:
"It is unwise to call upon our wings at this point. The threads of the Mashhad's auspices have yet to carve deep enough into the masar sulb, our entry would be akin to throwing sticks in the wind."
— Kahin Serpentarius
What these messages actually meant is left up to great speculation.

The Warlings

Only five years before the war's end did the Mashhad finally involve themselves. In a move that stunned all, they sought out the brightest and most honorable Vertebrates, bird or not, to enter into their Warling program. Less than 1% of applicants were accepted, with a total of fifteen warlings being taken on, all under the age of twenty. These lucky few were taken into the mountaintop cave (which later was revealed to be name The Naraa) to study the ways of the Alkitabu. According to the warlings, they were barely permitted to look upon the text during their stay, only being given glances and snippets of paragraphs that the Mashhad spent hours parsing through and arguing about. Many say the warlings spellcasting abilities acted as the true turning point in the war, but of course, this is hotly contested when compared to other pivotal events.

Known Mashhad Altuyuri Members

  1. Kahin Balaeniceps
  2. Kahin Cathartes
  3. Kahin Peregrinus
  4. Kahin Chrysaetos
  5. Kahin Alcinus
  6. Kahin Femoralis
  7. Kahin Haliaetus
  8. Kahin Ventralis
  9. Kahin Coronatus
  10. Kahin Serpentarius
  11. Kahin Indicus
  12. Kahin Multipunctata
  13. Kahin Spilothorax
Kahin Cathartes