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The Anomaly, Land of Spirits, Patugal. A cradle of civilization in the form of an island located at the center of a massive ever-churning maelstrom. It's inhabitants have no idea of the outside world, save those rare few who have ventured there themselves.  

Natural Souls

Patugal is inhabitated by a variety of peoples, flora and fauna, but most remarkable are the spirits that roam the place. Manifestations of natural phenomena, spirits of every elemental persuasion exist here. The spirits are immortal, though they can be killed in the same ways that humans can, and additionally by destroying that which they represent. Cutting down a tree would kill its nymph, boiling water would hurt a naiad. Although their minds are in some ways alien, they have many mortal tendencies, and are prone to emotion and self indulgence.

The Fatherstorm

Patugal sits in the center of the Anomaly, a tempest that never calms. To cross the storm one must endure waves the size of mountains, wind stronger than any cyclone can muster, and erratic lightning strikes that seem to seek the hulls of ships trying to leave.   In addition, recent crossings have highlighted another feature of the Anomaly, non-linear time warping. Across several expeditions, the outside world has been observed to move considerably slower than time within the Anomaly. The exact rate is apparently unstable. Two weeks on the outside at one point saw 18 months pass inside. The very next day, 16 years had passed.
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