Certificate of Marriage

Hannah still a quite annoyed about the whole situation burst into the administration’s office. smashed the button for the steam whistle to call the clerk on duty over. An elderly lady slided into view on a chair that road on rails. Thick lenses sat in her goggles, and she was barely tall enough to see over the counter.

”How can I help you Captain Wright?”
-“I got married. And would like to update my registration.”
“Oh congratulations, so you want to fill out the discharge forms?”
-“No my discharge got denied.”

The lady changed the lenses in her goggles, now looking directly at Hannah with a visible confusion. Betsy Mortimer it said on her name tag. Handwritten name tag.
”Denied? that is unusual, did you get a signed order?”
  Hannah pulled the paper out of the stack she got signed and stamped by the assistant of the Major-General.
  ”And your marriage certificate my dear.”


Betsy dug around in a huge file cabinet, she pulled levers to move the shelves moved up and down by steam power. Then she pulled another lever and the books on the shelve started to move from left to right. It took a while for her to find what she needed.

”I don't often need this form. Ah yes, form MD01-A4, that's the one we need. Let us fill it in. Hmm, in which order did you receive this documents my dear?”

  • “Does it matter?”
  • “Well, yes. Yes it does. Your marriage certificate got first, and you got a noble title because of that. And according to this rule book.” Betsy opened one of the biggest books Hannah had ever seen, it looked old. The text appeared to be handwritten, not typed! ”Here it says rule 3845a If a married lady is forced to serve in the army her salary will be multiplied by 1,25.
    And rule 3845b if a noble lady is forced to serve in the army her salary will be multiplied by 5.
    Rule 3845c If a married lady, while serving in the army is promoted, rule a and b do not apply.
    So where you promoted first or denied discharge first?”

    Hannah looked down at the documents, the box to fill out the date and time, all only had the date.
    -”I guess I was denied last?” Hannah answered.
    ”I think so too.” Betsy nodded.
    So we're first getting you married, and let’s fill out that new title to your documents.
    Mrs. Hannah Wright, Dutchess of Larkin.
    Husband: Mr. Alexander Anthony, Duke of Larkin.

    Betsy was talking to herself while she filled out the paperwork.


    ”Please sign here. “
    Hannah did as she asked, and noted Betsy’s perfect penmanship. The date and time was filled out, to the second accurate.
    “Okay now they Army knows you are married. And your request for discharge is pending. On to the next issue. You got promoted?”
    -“Yes to Major, I'm to lead a new squadron of airplanes for the
    “You're being loaned out to the Navy? What does your paper say?”

    Hannah gave Betsy the note she had gotten.
    ”Navy project, hmm hmm uhu. That steamleaking penlicker of the Major-General forgot to tick the required boxes.” Betsy complained.
    Betsy pointed to a small list of options on the note.
    The instructions clearly said:

    pick one.
    Temporary project
    On loan
    For training
    ”Well they'd say it was an experimenting assignment, with an unknown length.” Hannay said slowly.
    ”Changing anything on a form is a crime. So you should actually go back to the Major-General to ask him to clarify.”Betsy said, while sliding a fountain pen across the counter towards Hannah.
    ”While you go see if the Major-General is still here I have to check something in the back.” Betsy said while pointing the expedition box. And she rolled on her chair through a door. Hannah was a bit confused, but looked left and right, and then quickly put an x at the check box denoting ‘Expedition’.
    Betsy rolled back into view, holding a cup and saucer, somehow not spilling a drop while the chair moved about. “Aha, you're back, expedition it is I see. Well then I want you to give me a list of all the people who are coming with you, so that I can file their paperwork similarly.”
    -“I will make sure you get one.”
    “Because according to the rules written in here.”
    Betsy pointed to another book.
    ”People who are send out on an expedition get paid double, the army will take care of the salary of their personal staff that are joining them. And you will get an extra allowance for uniform costs.”

    ”Why didn't I get paid extra then when we were fighting Duscurybanr?”

  • “Because that was a war, we were defending our great nation against evil, you weren't sent abroad, you were defending our home ground.”
  • “According to the rules that is not an extra pay.”
    Hannah could swear she saw the lady role her eyes.


    "Anyway here's the second form you need."

    Promotion to the position of
    Major in the Air Corps
    In command of the
    30th Fighter Wing,
    Also known as the
    1st Naval Air flotilla
    "Sign here and that’s your promotion in order."
    Hannah dutifully signed on the line.


    "Now we apply the expedition status, And after that we deny your discharge."
    Betsy slammed some stamps and marked some boxes, going to fast for Hannah to follow.   "So you got paid as a captain: 100
    Now as a major that would be: 200
    Now we send you an on expedition: 400
    We add the bonus for staff costs: 425
    We add the bonus for uniform cost: 475
    And deny your discharge: 2375"

    -"Two thousand three hunderd and seventy five?"
    Hannah repeated in disbelieve.
    "I told you the order of things mattered." Betsy replied dryly.


    "Shall I continue to depost that into your account? Or would you like to do the same as the Duke does?"
    -"What does the duke do?"
    "He deposits most of it to an account in the Dutchy of Larkin. And keeps a small part for himself. If you put it into an army savings account you might get some more interrest but they might also disagree with our vission of things and take it all back. They can't take it back after it's been transvered, just so you know."

  • "200 for me the rest to Larkin, please."

  • Type
    Certificate, Civil

    Cover image: Header Anisoptera by Jacob-W, background by Reto Scheiwiller via Pixabay


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jul 26, 2024 10:04 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    This was fun XD You gotta love all those arcane administrative rules!

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Jul 27, 2024 10:19 by Bart Weergang

    Thank you :)
    I sooo need to update the way this world looks >.<

    Aug 23, 2024 08:44 by Tillerz

    Haha! Finally not just a lengthy description of the parts of a document. Nice one. Tip: You can disable the empty sidebar in the article settings.

    Sep 1, 2024 20:10 by Bart Weergang

    Thanks Tillerz! I know how to do that, but this world needs a major overhaul on the looks. and I was counting minutes and mb's to get atleast 8 articles in for SC, so it's not the best article. Glad you like the idea :)