Working class Ethnicity in Anisoptera | World Anvil

Working class

The working class from the Glorious Kingdom of Eglen is the largest group of people in the nation. They are also the poorest group in the country, but what do simple workers need money for anyway?


Before the industrialisation, the working class was a much smaller group, they worked for farmers, in domestic service, in workshops, and as helpers in shops, workshops and the like. But the rise of the amazing thing that is called a Factory, required more workers. And so the people were drawn away from workshops. Workshops whom also struggled to remain open against the cheaper goods from the factories. Thereby the middle class that once owned the small businesses slowly slid down into the working class. Greatly increasing the working potential of our Glorious Nation!


Most working class people do not know how to read, it is viewed that it is a waste of time to learn people their letters, it's better to use the smaller members of the working class for the jobs that require crawling into tight spaces. It's also good for them to gain experience that when they are fully grown they can do their job better.

A special exception are those who work in the post offices, they nead to learn how to read and write, sometimes even in special code languages such as Roscoe Lite.


Besides the working class, there are the nobles and the business owners. The Nobles are the ones that still hold all political power and own the most land. Although the business owners are always trying to either gain or influence it. The nobles use taxes to keep the upper class business owners under their rule. Also the fact that the nobles still own more land, helps them remain control. Because one can always raise the rent on that piece where the factory stands!


The guilds are another party that tries to uphold the quality and monopoly of their arts and crafts, while also making a profit. But with the demise of the middle class, their position has become precarious. The guilds still have the support of the Nobles and the church tho, in favour of the upper class. But also the guild requires workers from the working class.


The church takes care of the souls of all people of Eglen. And generally views the people as all equal, but some are a bit more equal then others obviously.

The church, with endorsement of the king, has decreed that the working class is to be split between the guilds and the upper-class, based on the job of the father, if the father works in a certain factory, the factory gets the first right to the work potential of his family.


Of course this leaves the military in a tight spot, and even though they are not named by the church to have the same right, they act like they do. In addition, they pick up a lot of orphans and criminals to fill their ranks.


The king has noticed that their is some unrest in the country, and therefor has decreed that local councils should be formed. And every man who owns land is allowed to vote, on a by the local noble approved list of candidates to fill that council.


Farmers are the last bastion of free man, because even with the glorious power of steam, humans still require food. and food is produced by farmers. Yes heated barns now exist to speed up the growing of certain foods. But still farmers are necessary. There are not many farmers who own their own land, most of them rent it from the local nobility, giving the nobility the most controll over food and where it goes. The upper class business owners have not gotten a hold of their properties yet.

Cover image: Header Anisoptera by Jacob-W, background by Reto Scheiwiller via Pixabay