Ruslin Species in An'katerr | World Anvil


Basic Information


These creatures are quadrupeds with long necks and slender bodies. On either side of their head they have spiraling horns and protrusions that appear to be ears though no one knows for sure if they function as ears or if they serve another purpose.   There's an offshoot of the species in Doval that has spines running down their back all the way down to their tail tip.  

Genetics and Reproduction

Ruslin are egg layers. They make their nests out of stone and dirt in caves.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer to live in caves to protect themselves from predators and to keep their eggs safe.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures are entirely carnivorous.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ruslin are solitary and highly territorial by nature except when they need to mate.   A group of ruslin is known as a surge.


They can't be domesticated and it's foolish to try.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The meat isn't good for human consumption, but the hide can be tanned into leather for gloves, belts, saddles, and other goods. Ruslin bones have been used by fake thaumaturges for centuries to tell fortunes.

Facial characteristics

Mature male Ruslin are easily distinguished from the females by their mustache-like facial decorations.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They're mostly found in the Shadaran Mountains, but will make their homes in any sufficiently rocky cave system. They aren't found inĀ Shanshiire as it's too hot. Jiinal gets too cold for their comfort and there isn't enough food to support any sizeable colony of them.

Average Intelligence

They're about as smart as your average wolf.
10 years
Average Physique
Each foot has three clawed toes. Their hind feet have dew claws. As they get older, these are sometimes torn off in fights as they make easy targets.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have brown bodies covered in a tough hide. Their underbelly is a paler colour then the rest of their body.


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