Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon

Bahamut is the God of nobility, enlightened justice and metallic dragons. He is sworn rival to Tiamat, queen of chromatic dragons.  
Commandments of the Platinum Dragon
  • Defend those who cannot defend themselves, whether that be through your own strength and might, or even charity and hospitality.
  • Smite true evil wherever it is found, but show compassion to those who have strayed from the path.
  • Bring justice to all, tempered with mercy and forgiveness


Bahamut is depicted as a huge dragon, over 50 metres in length, with platinum scales stronger than any other, and he was said to glow with a faint blue light. His eyes were said to glow a bright blue, assuming his mood was fairly neutral.
His followers say Bahamut sometimes wanders the mortal realms, appearing to look like an elderly man in a simple brown robe, accompanied by 7 small birds.  


Most metallic dragons don't worship Bahamut in the conventional sense, they usually see him as more of a mentor and leader than a deity to be venerated. Bahamut does have some humanoid followers, but these are usually paladins that have devoted themselves to upholding justice, it is fairly uncommon for regular people to worship him singularly.

General Info

Greater Deity   Symbols
Silver dragon head facing to the left   Alignment
Lawful Good  


Honor, Justice, Nobility, Metallic Dragons   Domains
Life, War, Order   Holy Days (Dwarven Calendar)
Dragonsmoot (2nd Drakna)   Worshipers
Metallic Dragons, Paladins devoted to justice