Corellon Larethian

Said to be the creator of the elves, Corellon Larethian is the most important god to most elvish people, he governs over things held in high esteem by their culture, such as magic and warfare but also music, art and craftsmanship.  
Commandments of Corellon Larethian
  • Create, find and inspire art and beauty in the world.
  • Be bold, strive for happiness and self-improvement so you may be welcomed home.
  • Seek out old legends, lost magic and ancient art.


Corellon is depicted as a lithe and swift man with elven features but still with great strength. He is shown with long blonde hair, armoured in chain and leathers, with a beautiful sword at his side. He is said to be proud and haughty, just like many elves, but never lets it get the better of him, willing to listen to the council of his people.  


Most elves that have not strayed from the path Corellon has set before them revere him, in their eyes he is their creator and guardian, and they wish to prove themselves worthy to Corellon, to set right the failures of the past, and so they may be welcomed back to Arvandor.
Some non-elven creatures do worship Corellon, but these are few and far between.

General Info

Greater Deity   Symbols
Crescent moon or star   Alignment
Chaotic Good  


Elves, Art, Music, Magic   Domains
Arcana, Life, Light, War   Holy Days (Dwarven Calendar)
The Aurora (3rd Erobal)   Worshipers
Elves, Fey