The Planes of Existence

The Material Plane

The Material Plane is the nexus where the philosophical and elemental forces that define the Other Planes collide in the jumbled existence of mortal life and mundane matter. The Material Plane is the land that most closely represents our own.
Beyond the Material Plane, the various Planes of Existence are realms of myth and Mystery. They’re not simply other worlds, but different qualities of being, formed and governed by spiritual and elemental principles abstracted from the ordinary world.  

Material Echoes

The Feywild and Shadowfell echo the Prime Material plane, extreme versions of the world.
The Feywild is a plane of emotions at their most extreme, bursting with nature, a jungle where feelings don't care about your facts. Creatures such as pixies, elves and other fey inhabit this land.
The Shadowfell, The complete opposite of the feywild, is a dull land of darkness and despair, as if all colour has been sucked away from the world.  

Inner Planes

The Inner Planes surround and enfold the Material Plane and its echoes, providing the raw elemental substance from which all the worlds were made. The four Elemental Planes, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, form a ring around the Material Plane, suspended within the churning Elemental Chaos.   At their innermost edges, where they are closest to the Material Plane, the four Elemental Planes resemble the Material Plane. The Four Elements mingle together as they do in the Material Plane, forming land, sea, and sky. Farther from the Material Plane, though, the Elemental Planes are both alien and hostile. Here, the elements exist in their purest form, as great expanses of solid earth, blazing fire, crystal clear water, and unsullied air. These regions are little known, so when discussing the Plane of Fire, for example, a speaker usually means just the border region. At the farthest extents of the Inner Planes, the pure elements dissolve and bleed together into an unending tumult of clashing energies and colliding substance, the Elemental Chaos.  

Outer Planes

If the Inner Planes are the raw matter and energy that makes up the multiverse, The Outer Planes are the direction, thought and Purpose for such construction. Many sages and holy men refer to The Outer Planes as divine planes, spiritual planes, or godly planes, as they believe the Outer Planes to be the homes of deities.
There are believed to be 16 different outer planes, each corresponding to one of the alignments.  

Transitive Planes

Ethereal Plane

The Ethereal Plane is a misty, fog covered dimension that is sometimes described as a great ocean. Its shores, called the Border Ethereal, overlap the Material Plane and the Inner Planes, so that every location on those planes has a corresponding location on the Ethereal Plane. Travel between planes using the Ethereal is possible, but delving so deep into the unknown of the Ethereal Plane is dangerous even to accomplished adventurers.  

Astral Plane

The Astral Plane is the realm of thought and dream.. It is a great, silvery sea, the same Above and Below, with swirling wisps of blue and purple streaking among specks of light resembling distant stars. It is rare to encounter anything is this vast expanse, occasional bits of solid matter can be found here, but most of the Astral Plane is an endless, open domain.
Planar Sphere/Grouping