Atrophos - God of Death

"We all hope to never see him, and the most powerful will always try to outrun him. But he knows the one truth that makes even the Pantheon shiver. In the end, he will be waiting for us all" - Writings of Abdul Ibn Helar, High Priest of Atrophos, the year 28 A.o.S   Atrophos - also known as The Reaper, The Ferryman, The Spectre, The Final Witness, and Entropy - is the god of death, and believed to be the ultimate arbiter that guides souls to their respective afterlives. He is one of The Prime Gods, the first great beings to spawn from the remnants of The Cosmic Dragons. It is widely believed that no being of the mortal realm can go to the afterlife without Atrophos there to guide them.   As it is believed with all other gods, Atrophos' power is directly linked to the very essence of his domain. Since he is the god of death, his power is fueled by the amount of souls that have traversed the veil, never to return to the realms of mortals. Some would suggest that his power stretches even further, and that he is linked not only departed souls, but the end of any living organism tied to the mortal realms and the other Planes of Existence. This is yet another reason why Atrophos is part of the upper echelons of The Pantheon.   Death is as much a part of the world as life, and as such, Atrophos holds dominion in every corner of the world. Few widespread religions have been devoted to his image in the course of history, though this is thought by scholars not to be a reflection on his lacking influence, but the grim aspect of life that he represents. As with most other gods, he is revered - but unlike many, he is not openly worshipped.   The god of death is rarely thought to be the master of any particular army of creatures or beings, and some who study near-death experiences believe the character of The Grim Reaper to be Atrophos himself appearing before those about to depart. Others believe he tethers to all dying souls and can command them from anywhere at will, no matter which god claims them for their realm, and that there are multiple Grim Reapers, each doing his bidding in greeting mortals at death's door.

Divine Domains

Death: Atrophos is widely believed to be the lord of unlife, the end of all living things - even gods. Death's door is the opening to his realm, and whatever souls pass by his guiding hand will forever be tethered to his touch. Many believe that he guides souls to their respective resting place in The Outer Planes, handing them over to other gods, who claim the souls in their name, as a tribute to the service and worship the soul provided in life. Unclaimed souls travel to wherever Atrophos deems fit according to their actions in life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Atrophos - God of Death. A skull surrounded by an ancient, foreign crown. To some, it depicts a waning, ruined sun, to others the royal symbol of a king ruling an alien universe.
Divine Classification
"Journey's End" - A depiction of Atrophos and the court from which he guides the dead. Artist unknown.


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