Bhaal - God of Chaos

"When the god of chaos was chained to the depths of the world, he howled in rage and vowed the destruction of all things. The soul-splitting roar was felt and heard in all of creation, and the world shook for 7 days and nights. Pray the world does not forget, for he is a patient god, and one day all of Anora shall tremble at his voice once again." - Yorik of Cairhien, priest of Braccus, reciting the tales of Bhaal the Unmaker, year 210 A.o.R   Bhaal - also known as Fate-Breaker, Father of Lies, The Deceiver, The Chained Oblivion, The Unmaker and The Anarchist - is the god of chaos, and one of The Prime Gods. He is believed to be imprisoned within the deepest layers of The Abyss, kept away from the rest of reality for his transgressions against the other gods. He is (ironically) believed to be the creator of the Abyss, and the father of demons. He embodies disorder, anarchy, randomness and darkness. Unlike the other gods, he is feared rather than praised, and those few who worship him are viewed as outcasts and lunatics.   He is often depicted as a massive, dark and horned entity, sitting atop a throne of bones in fiery pit. Other artwork of Bhaal depicts him as locked in chains underneath the world, yearning for release. As with the other Prime Gods, not much is known about Bhaal, but his symbol is well known as a dark omen, and his name is condemned as the very essence of evil. Commoners curse the mentioning of him, as it is considered bad luck. Though believed to be imprisoned, some people have claimed to be in contact with the deity, suggesting that he might be more active in the mortal world than other Prime Gods. As opposed to other Prime Gods, the god of chaos is certainly more present in the minds of mortals, given the apocalyptic themes he represents in mythic tales.   Bhaal is considered to be the ultimate representation of absolute evil, and myths speak of him being the greatest remaining fragment of Ora. The myths that describe the circumstances of his release are typically related to the beginning of the apocalypse. Some cults have been known to worship him, though no cult of a significant size has ever emerged, and the small ones that have been recorded were swiftly destroyed by followers of the light such as The Knights of Braccus.

Divine Domains

Chaos: Bhaal embodies shadow, darkness and all that is opposed to order. Randomness, lawlessnes, anarchy, sadism, unfettered hedonism, deception and other forms of chaotic behavior is the very essence of Bhaal. He does not care for predictability, and indeed is believed not to care about the universe at all. What Bhaal wishes is described as the total ruination and destruction of all of creation. He desires a world that is complete, raging chaos, where nothing is as it is supposed to be, and every being is subjected to an uncertain, and preferably painful life. He revels in torture and pain, especially on those who represent light and goodness, relishing the opportunity to turn the established order on its head. Where most gods would strive for balance and peace, Bhaal yearns to make the universe nothing but war and oblivion.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Bhaal - a skull surrounded by droplets of blood. Universally condemned as an omen of darkness

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The only certain goal that Bhaal is known to have, is to break free from the bonds shackling him in the Abyss. A goal that only a handful of mortals wish to come true.


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