Takani Drok

Takani Drok (a.k.a. the Inventor)

174 years ago, Takani was born into the family of Gertrud and Takano Drok. Both of them worked as chefs in the village of Poddermuck in Tear. Being their only child, they expected Takani to follow in their footsteps working at their restaurant at the age of 15, but already then books and machines was his greatest interest. Takano especially did a lot to convince Takani, telling him that books and machines would only make him lonely without a purpose in life but bringing Takani with him to work in the kitchen only made their relationship worse. At that time Takani’s disobedience began, and Gertrud and Takano started to lose faith in Takani.   Being left by himself had its pros and cons. Reading, inventing, building and experimenting soon became Takani’s life. Already back then Takani started to lose the sense of how to interact with other people. It resulted in him getting further away from his family. But that should soon end. By the age of 34 one of Takani’s inventions saw the light of the day. Together with Halfin, a tiny Gnome not higher that 70 centimeters, they presented a new energy source that would secure the future existence and development of the Gnome realm. Quickly Takani became the go-to gnome in most of Poddermuch and even beyond, and it seemed that Takani’s family finally had accepted his way of life.   A peaceful day about three weeks after the energy source had been activated, a horrific accident happened. The energy source collapsed, exploded and destroyed most of Takani's village in which it was stored. With no hesitation Takani's family, which had survived the accident, cut of all ties to him as they had no doubt it was his fault, and that his overconfidence in himself was to blame for the energy source exploding.   After the unfortunate episode Takani had no other choice than leaving his village. He moved to a nearby forest, building what he thought would be his home for the rest of his live. The forest quickly became Takani’s favored environment, where he could be in solitary and not have to talk to anyone. Books again became his friend, and rapidly Takani turned to be an old man in the woods, with white spiky hair, a short white beard, and fireburns in his face and on his hands due to the explosion. Stories were told about this monster living in the forest, making other gnomes afraid of even entering the forest. Sometimes gnomish children had the courage to see whether the stories were true or false. They got close to Takani’s home and threw rocks at it eventually crushing windows.   At that time one of Takani’s most precious inventions were created. His blunderbuss. It was made with the goal of shooting everybody who came close to his house, or at least shoot after them to scare them. Several times Takani had the chance of shooting somebody and time after time Takani came closer to pulling the trigger, but he didn’t. He realized that if he continued to be isolated, the day may come where Takani turns away from his lawful and good nature, and accidentally hurt someone.   One day in the night someone knocked on Takani’s door. Halfin whom Takani had not seen for ages came to him worried. The only thing he told Takani was that strange things happened around the time of the explosion over 140 years ago and that some shady person might have had something to do with the energy source collapsing. Halfin didn’t mention any names but Takani couldn’t believe what Halfin just told him, as he thought the energy source became unstable by itself. Interested and frightened by Halfin’s story, Takanj promised a safe refuge for Halfin in his house as long as he wanted. The next day when Takani got out bed there were no sign of Halfin. He was gone.   In the 140 years of solitude, Takani has tried to gather courage to leave his house and explore the world. Halfins disappearance was the final push. With the small hope of not feeling guilty because of the explosion, Takani pledged himself to invent a new stable energy source and hopefully one day return to his village and family. Takani decided to leave his home, only bringing the most essential items, tools and books, along with his beloved blunderbuss, with the goal of finding Halfin and obtain more information on what really happened 140 years ago.

The tinkering and creative gnome Takani has been exiled from his homeland of Tear. Though his quirky nature has made it difficult to socialize and connect with others, his commitment to invention and creation has never died.

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Lawful Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
40 kg