Tempus - God of War

Tempus, also known as the Lord of Battles and the Father of the Sword, is the god of war. His dogma is primarily concerned with honorable battle, forbidding cowardice and encouraging the use of force of arms to settle disputes. He is considered the antithesis of his sister, Athera - Goddess of Peace.


Tempus often appears as a tall humanoid or centaur-like figure in a golden, pure plate mail, his face hidden by a giant war helm, though his gaze remains a palpable force. His arms and legs are bare, and rarely is he depicted with blood or wounds, as his prowess as a combatant is descibed as perfection beyond imagining. Myths and legends depicts him as "The God that was never struck in battle".  


Tempus is described differently by the different people that worship him. Many believe him to be a symbol of chaos, distributing his favor randomly. Such is the nature of war that he might side with one army one day and turn against them the next. He is not heartless, however, but exuberant, said to live only for excess, whether it be love for food, drink, hunting, or his greatest passion, battle. Despite his fickleness and what others might think of him because of it, Tempus is also not treacherous. Indeed, he is honorable in battle, and would hate to betray a confidence. The chaotic god simply answers to his own warrior code, carving out his own path and letting none stand in his way. Rather than switching sides, it would be more accurate to say that the Lord of Battle's chaotic nature was on all sides equally.   A few describe Tempus as a stoic being, one that sees battle as a sacred duty to be fulfilled, rather than a spectacle to be enjoyed. Those that follow this interpretation of Tempus see him as a deadly but quiet god, graceful and disciplined to the core. People that worship him in this way prefer humility and a defensive combat style, as opposed to the more common and ferocious depiction of him.  


Anora is a violent land, and thus from sheer number of worshipers, Tempus is one of the mightiest deities in the Realms. Nearly everyone who drew a sword or nocked an arrow has fought alongside a cleric of the Foehammer, and just as many has fought against one. Temples to the Lord of Battle look more like military fortresses or arenas than the archetypal temple. They feature barracks, mess halls, armories, and training grounds.   Due to its tendency to have followers and priests on both sides of any engagement, the church of Tempus has no central authority that might support one side or the other exclusively. Within a given temple or order, however, there is a strict hierarchy and chain of command.  


There are many orders that serve Tempus, but two of the more well known are the following:   The Order of the Broken Blade honors those warriors and clergy who can no longer fight at their best. They continue to serve Tempus by working at shrines and temples.   The Order of the Steel Fang are an elite group that take on the most dangerous missions. Their leaders are battle-tested members of the clergy.  


All clergymen of Tempus are known as "Hammers". Each Hammer receives their own ceremonial armor, depending on their rank. Hammers were broken down further into ranks:   Acolyte: The lowest in the hierarchy, they wear leather jackets and baldrics.   Stalwart: Priests, who wear chainmail.   Hardhar: Warrior-priests, who wear breastplates and bracers.   Arahar: Battle-chaplains, who wear splint mail.   Rauthat: Swordmasters, who wear plate mail with shoulder spikes.   Direhar: Guardian priests, who wear full plate.   Warlyon: High priests, who wear gilded magic plate mail that enables flight.  


Tempus' orders to all combatants are simple and direct:   1. Be fearless   2. Never turn away from a fight.   3. Obey the rules of war.  


The words "Tempus thanks you" are used by the deity's faithful in conjunction with the response "and I thank Tempus" to indicate the completion of a deed that would please Tempus.  

Divine symbol

Tempus depicted in a humanoid form, atop a mountain of the skulls of defeated foes.


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