Vondal Gorunn

Vondal Gorunn

Vondal Gorunn, son of Tondal Gorunn, grew up the son of a general business traveler in a peaceful time - far from the cynical face of war. For generations, the Gorunn family had built up a name as honest merchants, and was widely recognized in the north* of Anora. They were known for, among other things, the selling of armor, weapons and jewelry made from the fine iron extracted from the Karaz Tarak Mountains. Vondal grew into a bit of a large lad, and he ended up handling the physical chores on the journey, while Tondal the father, Vurdis the mother and Heldal the sister handled the actual trading. Albeit a fine distribution back then, it has nevertheless made its mark on Vondal, since he is most often more successful with his hammer than his speaking skills... Happiness rarely lasts forever, however, and Vondal Gorunn’s life took a tragic turn on a late autumn day. The family's commercial caravan was attacked by a barbaric orcs group. Chaos. Orcs everywhere. Death. War. Blood. Torn limbs. Panic. Vondal faced a choice - Fight or Flight. Since he had no experience in combat, he chose the only possible solution. Faster than he thought his little legs could carry him, he found shelter in a nearby bush. From there, Vondal saw a sight he would never forget. Amid the chaos, a giant orc with red tribal tattoos marking both arms. In his stretched arm, he holds Heldal Gorunn. And Vondal watched, terrified, as the orc impaled his sister – the light left her eyes slowly. The last thing Vondal remembered was a myriad of orcs shouting in an almost chanting way: Rok'Gor! Rok'Gor! Rok'Gor!... Heartbroken, Vondal sought shelter in the nearest town, Erast. With him he had a single hammer from the caravan, a piece of the orcs' banner and the promise never to turn his back on family and friends again. After a few days of massive amounts of mead, Vondal was told that a local militia sought new recruits. Vondal eyed the opportunity to strengthen his skills in the art of war, and the way to achieving revenge on Rok'Gor and his clan. Vondal quickly showed talent, and became a valuable soldier in Girard Ergolor's army. Notwithstanding Girard and Vondal building a strong bond, Vondal's social being did not fit into the army as his direct, honest and selfish traits did not exactly fit into an army. Ergolor and Vondal agreed that it was time for Vondal to seek his own ways and overcome his demons. Thus Vondal embarked on a marvelous jouney, alone. However, it wasn’t long before Vondal found a traveling companion on the road: the gnome Takani. And since Takani apparently accepted (did he have any other choice on a deserted country road?) Vondal's personality they chose to accompany each other to the nearest city: Emond’s Field.

Vondal Gorunn, son of Tondal Gorunn, a traveling merchant in a peaceful time - far from the cynical face of war. A dark tragedy made Vondal take up arms and train himself to be a great fighter. Now, he seeks to avenge his family, and restore their honor.

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Lawful Good
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4 ft.