Yrasil - Goddess of Order

"When we break the laws of the land, we answer to a lord or a king. When gods break their laws, they answer to her." - Montesque, Cleric of Yrasil, year 188 A.o.R

Yrasil, also known as The Lawbringer, The Lady of Judgement, The Cosmic Arbiter, and The Queen of Fate, is the goddess of Order, and one of The Prime Gods. She is believed to be the creator of Mechanus, and represents absolute order and structure. It is believed that when gods enter agreements and contracts with each other, she is the one who make those contracts binding. She stands at the center of all laws made by mortals, angels, demons and devils, and her dispassionate being reflects that broad and ubiquitous responsibility. Her judgements are iron, and myths often describe her as a being that would rather let the universe be annihilated than let her laws be broken. She is thought to have made her home at Mount Celestia, fashioning a grand court of which she is at the center. From here, she watches over all creation.   Some believe she is the weaver of the fate of all beings, even the gods themselves, and that her greatest aspiration is to make sure that every being plays out their part in the grand scheme of things. This is a point of contention among scholars, though, as many would argue that mortals have free will, and are not bound by such deterministic forces.   Yrasil is often depicted as a massive entity with a plethora of faces swirling around her otherwise faceless head. These faces are meant to represent the reflection of those she judges. As is often said by the few individuals who worship her: "When the law is not upheld, the transgressors must not face the judgement of the world, but instead face themselves and their sins."   Yrasil is rarely worshipped, being considered a goddess that rarely has any direct influence on the affairs of mortals, or indeed has any real interest in them. She is thought to be concernced with a truly cosmic scale of order and law, and her actions are as unfathomable to us as they are to the gods themselves.

Divine Domains

Order: Yrasil represents the order of the universe, and is believed to be responsible for maintaining the relative predictability of reality, as well as ensuring the world working according to the mysterious ways of the gods. Beyond this, she is believed to be the one passing judgement on gods transgressing divine laws and agreements. Some believe she also is responsible for judging lesser divine beings for their lawlessness, while others believe she has created minions to handle this charge. Others firmly believe that Yrasil has handed this responsibility to her son, Braccus, the God of Justice, who also passes judgement on the material world.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbol of Yrasil, the goddess of order. A balancing scale - sometimes even, other times skewed to one side.
Divine Classification
"The Cosmic Scales" - A depiction of Yrasil balancing the order of the universe in her hand, while stepping on a snake thought to be Bhaal. Artist unknown.


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