Elf Species in Antediluvia | World Anvil


Elves are a species of sentient beings native to all the worlds, and are the result of interbreeding between Humans and El. Elves are known for their attunement to the elements, slight frame, lack of body hair, and supernatural grace and dexterity.

There are seven known subspecies of Elves, six of which were created by different pairings of Human and El. First created were Light Elves and Frost Elves, created by Solvana and Atlas Anson and Selas and Eyevana Ansdottr respectively. Next were Storm Elves, created by Wednesday and Pelafina Thadrimr, Ember Elves by Tuesday and Svaha Ansdottr, Cloud Elves by Thursday and Able Manson, Stone Elves by Friday and Seth Atlasson. The final subspecies, Wood Elves, eventually came into existence through the mingling and environmental adaptation of all types of Elves in the Artificial World, and have become the predominant subspecies found there.

Elves typically create a half-species when breeding with non-Elves. Half-Elves are half Elf, half Human, Dwelves are half Elf, half Dwarf , and Gnomes are half Elf, half Halfling.


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