Common Language in Antemidus Galaxy | World Anvil
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Tirerian Common, more often simply referred to as Common, is the primary language used to communicate across cultures in the Titanus Arm, originating in post-division Human societies and morphing over time into what it has become today. Linguists who study Common have traced its origins to a melding of several human dialects- the foremost of which being Old Tireran, originating before the Division- that united under the First Lentarum Republic spanning much of modern day Lentruss. The republic was the first major empire to form on Tirer following the Division and represented a melting pot of many different languages, which resulted in the right conditions to create Lentarian script and speech. Lentarian over time came to spread across Tirer but also merged with other prominent language groups, including some of the other hominid subspecies like Elves. By the mid-500's BGE, Common had emerged as a true distinct language and spread across Tirer and beyond from there on out.

Beyond Tirer

Through the early stages of interstellar exploration, most nations around Yarmoria found themselves needing to communicate, and whether through ease of learning or simple geographical luck, Tirerian Common became the primary language used to conduct trade and diplomacy in the western part of the sector. In hindsight this may not be surprising, as many experts have noted that Tirer was a very large, centrally located population center amongst the Lozaveta, Obveni, and Tuvakians. The Mycra system, also very central to the area, also represented a huge driver at the time for spreading Vesk as a language in these early times of interstellar contact; However, as a relatively new colony it could not compete with Tirer economically, and most Vesk living there already knew how to speak Common due to their origins on Tirer to begin with.

Modern Usage

In today's galaxy, Common is used almost universally in all civilian aspects. The majority of Merchants, Diplomats, Scientists, and Explorers alike use the language and perpetuate it's use as an inter-species medium. Militarily however, many nations such as Tuvakia and Fevaria have staunchly remained only using their native tongues whenever they can. In part, to maintain a small amount of security but also in an effort to retain and preserve their native languages given the importance given to the military within both of these cultures.