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A plantoid species with a natural cunning for scientific research, found primarily on their home planet of Lavis Primus. Lozaveta represent one of the more atypical forms of sentient life, being plant-based instead of animalistic in nature and as a result may often find it difficult to adapt to different environments. The natural talent of Lozaveta however is largely respected across the galaxy, with many notable doctors, scientists, diplomats, and biological engineers being a member of the species. Quick in both mind and body, they offer a mystique to many other races.

Basic Information


As a general rule, Lozaveta do not follow typical plant morphology, the type that inhabits most non-intelligent plants on worlds across the galaxy. Instead, they are surprisingly humanoid in shape with a discernable head, arms, and legs. Starting at their head, various kinds of sweeping petal-like formations are possible and are often the brightest colored part of the individual. With 6 small eyes, and somewhat hidden auditory canals, they carry a full complement of senses akin to other animalistic races. Their arms are often not incredibly large, in fact Lozaveta in general are often weaker than their racial counterparts partially due to their plant-based physiology. And their legs, often more sturdy than their arms, lack any toe-like appendages on their feet instead relying on its flat, maleable nature to grip onto surfaces. Extra features like thorns, additional limbs, or tree-like bark are not uncommon to see in the population as well, leading to a varied nature similar to Obveni, Saathids, and Zri.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lozaveta reproduce bisexually, mating with a partner of the same species of any outward gender. This is because Lozaveta all carry both male Stamen and female Pistil parts, which carry the necessary material to create new children. The intricuit nature of Lozaveta gender ideals is a complicated topic, but the most fundamental part involves varrying levels of the female and male hormones. Though all individuals carry both hormones and are capable of reproduction, some will have much higher levels of one than the other, resulting in a masculine or feminine phenotype. Those many that have roughly equal levels will often accept all gender roles or simply remain apathetic to the concept of gender in the first place.

Growth Rate & Stages

Starting as a sprout, roughly akin to an infant for other species, Lozaveta require regular exposure to sunlight, water, and natural minerals to develope into healthy children capable of walking, talking, and fending for themselves. At about 3 years of age, they reach this level of self-sufficience though require guidance and protection from their parents up until at least adolescence at about ~12 years of age. At this age they are capable of reproduction and usually continue to become more self-sufficient until reaching full adulthood at 18 - 20 years of age. From this point onwards, Lozaveta will grow very slowly at a steady but decreasing rate until it stagnates in elderly age, around 120 years old. This steady growth leads to the tendency of elder Lozaveta being taller and larger than their younger counterparts, commonly seeing 7 feet in many cases. Their physical appearance does not necessarily degrade, but does undergo similar aging effects to non-intelligent plants in the wild, and they become much more sedentary after this point. A healthy Lozaveta can expect to live until 162 years of age, the average un-enhanced lifespan as of 164 GE. A very few lucky members of the species will inherent a dormant gene found in the majority of the Lozaveta population, and have it activate during their life. This 'longevity gene' can extend this individual's lifespan to astronomical levels, the oldest ever Lozaveta with this gene having lived to over 2,000 years of age. With widespread access to genetic engineering on Lavis Primus, Lozaveta are probably the easiest species to grant artificially increased lifespans to, given the presence of the dormant gene.
   Image: Stellaris, Paradox Interactive
Scientific Name
Dolor Solis Comedentis
162 years
Average Height
4 - 6'
Average Weight
140 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Lozaveta skin and petals occupy the entire color spectrum.


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