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Many epochs ago, an old god whose name has since been lost to the ages, had a waking dream. From within this god's isolation and loneliness, did the desire arise to be free of their solitude. They had imagined a realm filled with the bustling of beings filling the corners of this world, coexisting and having dreams and desires of their own. The old god had created Anterum from a single fleeting thought. A rocky sphere sprang forth from the abyss, accompanied by its very own star and two satellites orbiting it. The world that would become Anterum writhed and hissed as molten magma spewed forth releasing gasses and material onto the surface. In the blink of an eye for this god, an entire era had passed by as an atmosphere formed, primordial seas flowed over the surface, and landmasses took shape. Not long after the activity had settled, life had begun. The dull surface began to change as entire swaths of land turned green while waters cut deep paths through these continents. Flora and fauna had erupted on Anterum. There was, however, no intelligent beings, merely mindless beasts that roamed the surface. The old god was still not pleased, for there were still no beings capable of dreaming. That is when they decided to add a touch of their power into Anterum to accelerate the process. Deep beneath the surface, a well of magic was formed and pushed out in all directions leaking from the cracks and crags in the world's surface. It flowed over the land, sprayed into the air, and bubbled up from the bottoms of the oceans. Some of the life of Anterum responded to this new element and so began to evolve and change. Some of the beings evolved into benevolent creatures and fulfilled the old god's wish. However, the unforeseen consequences would spawn something sinister. As any dreamer knows, not all thoughts are pure and full of hope and peace. Some dreams take a dark turn and become nightmares. For as many creatures that sprang forth with the promise of a brighter tomorrow, so too did the beings bent on the complete and utter destruction of that light. Tens of thousands of years had passed since the celestials and demons sprang forth with their thralls and worshipers in tow. The humanoid races began building civilizations and sprawling over the continents. Conflict arose among the races and wars erupted to the delight of the darker presence that loomed in the shadows. The old god could only watch as this world developed, hoping that the dream would prevail over the nightmare.