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Battle of Kilmar Valley

The final battle in the conflict between the civilized peoples along the Coastal Trail and humanoid marauders from the Wilderlands. Both sides suffered heavy casualties and the humanoid forces, consisting of draconic, Wyrgan, ogre, and orc troops were disbanded.

Mallleus fought in this battle and the party learns on 04-26-102 PH that one of the commanders from the battle, a person named Hronek, has an army that might be willing to commit his alliance to Chemosh forces.

The Conflict


Rolling hills and lightly wooded land east of Wycliffe.


Misty, damp, and cool.

The Engagement

The marauders had withdrawn to the Kilmar Valley and were of high morale after repeated victories against the civilized peoples. They had no trouble reacting to the organized and marching attacks of the human forces. That is until a new commander came to them with an alternate style of fighting.

Picking a select company of lightly armored forces this commander snuck in while the marauders were cold, relaxed, and likely inebriated. Killing many in their sleep, the humans were reinforced by shock troops as the marauders started to rouse from their camps.

Despite their decimation, the marauders retaliated fiercely and it was close and bloody fighting with heavy losses on both sides. The marauders finally broke, most of their leaders slain. It was the last time such cooperation was seen among the humanoid tribes of the Wilderlands.

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Fall of 90 PH


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