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Small logging village that lies 36 miles east of Hanuman on a well-packed dirt road.


90% human, 10% demihuman


A village council of women, currently led by Marta, the owner of the Gilded Sparrow.


A town militia of lumberjacks helps defend the town. Rules are enforced by the ruling council who use a lighted orb to test the accused.

Industry & Trade

Lumber, weaving, furniture, and some cider pressing are the main exports.


They have designed a rolling sled to load logs on and move them by horse, so they can get the lumber to Howarth's Mill overland if needed. Typically they use these sleds to move the lumber to the river and float it downriver to Howarth's or to the Millworks at Troll Fjord.


Lumber, quality furniture, and pemmican.


Back during pagan times, before the Kith-El era (over 1600 years ago), the village was a sister village to Hanuman. Hanuman was devoted to chastity while Baccus was devoted to fertility. As such, Hanuman was a ruling village dedicated to law, reason, and cerebral pursuits, while Baccus was devoted to propagation, crop growth, wine production, and hedonistic ideals. With the banding together of the non-Kith-El people into the Kolme Pact cities, the name was changed to Buckley.


More recently, 03-14-102 PH, men started disappearing from town. This continued until 04-18-102 PH when the party came to town and investigated the incident and freed the men. They were being captured as slaves to unearth an idol of Chemosh that is buried in the flood plain near a dilapidated tower northeast of the village. It was found to be an operation manned by dark elves, thrall orcs, and a Tempest Domain cleric.


The buildings are of wood, mostly split log, with heavy thatched roofs. The main road from Hanuman and to the lumber camps are packed dirt with wood chips to provide cohesion.


In a dense area of forested rolling hills.
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