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Demons are the ravening personifications of Chaotic Evil. They live for wanton destruction, they thrive on bloodshed, their society (such as it is) is constant conflict and infighting. They follow no rules only serving those who they believe could kill them if they disobeyed (and looking for a way to kill them first). Plans are for losers and once combat starts they forget tactics and just start killing. They come into being fully formed and don’t become any more powerful than they already are. A powerful Balor has always been a powerful Balor and will stay that way until it dies and the same with a sniveling Quasit. There is no reason to follow your superiors' orders or try to impress them except that they might kill you if you don’t.

Demons want to destroy the world. They reside in the Abyss and have leaked into our world through contact with and the emergence of Hadar. They Abyss reportedly has 666 layers, but they are not arranged in any order or even connected in many cases. Most any layer is accessible to the other layers. Think of a large bucket full of marbles, with the marbles being the layers, except not all of the marbles are in the bucket at the same time, but they still count as being in the bucket.

The most notable Princes of the Abyss are Baphomet, Demogorgon, Fraz-Urb'luu, Graz'zt, Juiblex, Orcus, Yeenoghu, and Zuggtmoy.


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