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As forces moved into Manna Towne and started improving that area, this town and its neighboring pair of watch stations were cleared to expand the realm of civilization. Currently work crews from Valenham led by Phineas Blume and masonry crews from Wilkin’s Dale led by Clayton “Clay” Brown work in the area. They are known as Blume and Brown.


There is a restored three-story inn called the Mouse and the Fool. Originally known as the Prairie Rose, it was renamed following an interesting incident. When recovery of the town began, a traveling priest named Vicar Henriot swore the inn was haunted, as he could hear noises in the basement. He forbade anyone from sleeping in the place until he had a chance to “clean it” and he wanted 50 gp to do that. A female mouser cat named Aggie killed the “ghost” when she produced a giant rat from the cellar.

In the Mouse there is a taproom with meals on the lower floor, a trio of private rooms on the second floor, and a common room in the attic that sleeps about 30. They charge a gold per night for the private rooms, a silver per night for the common room, and 5 sp a week for a tent room. Meals are a silver per day with beer at a silver per tankard. Ale and whiskey are a gold each.

There is also a district of tent houses where you can get a tent to yourself; the charge is free if you work with Blume or Brown. Otherwise 5 sp a week, in advance, and no refund if you stay less than five days. The area is muddy, cold, and violent at times.

A local provisioner provides basic things, with a chance for weapons or armor. They are Jakun Sawyer and his wife Sally Sawyer. They are both medium build, solid, common folk, having a four year old boy and Sally expecting a second child.


It fell into ruin around mid-50’s PH after the explosion of the Breakwater in 52 PH.

Founding Date

Founded as the town Bowen during the incursion of Kith-El into the area, circa 1541 AH, when King Agigaris signed peace pact with Kith-El and allowed them to settle the North Sister Land.

Alternative Name(s)

Originally named Bowen at its founding, it was renamed Harrison after being razed and rebuilt following the Hellscream War.


As a vibrant community at the junction of the Bowen Road and the Road of Kings, it connected the Bone Road to the Road of Kings. It's population has wavered between 500 and 1000 people, with there being around 200 people in the area now.

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