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This climbing sprawl of urban debauchery is situated in a peaceful cove along the western shore of the Cerulean Sea.


85% human, 5% demihuman, 3% elven, 2% orc, 5% all else.


Ruled by a Tetrarch that is overseen by a Senator, who acts as the mayoral figurehead. Tetrarchs hold a term for at least four years, revolving so there are three tenured members at all times. It is rare for one to be voted out. A Senator may hold the office for life or until impeached. The four tetrarchs live on estates outside the city proper, meeting quarterly and as needed to discuss policy.   The four current tetrarchs are:

  • Harley Addison M
  • Rakkel Killrone F
  • Felcher Quint M
  • Darshani Yarfoil F
  • Of the four, Rakkel is the newest, serving her first four-year term.


    A high wall guards the western edge of the city and a formidable navy protects the harbor. A thuggish city watch patrols the streets enforcing the will of the Tetrarch.


    Historically ruled by a king who defeated others vying for the throne, Kunger was little more than a gathering of various tribes that used the city as a point of convergence. After the death of King Erik Blackthorne at the hands of east coast invaders, the peoples of Kunger realized they were not impervious to attack. Thus, the Tetrarch was formed with the ruling Senator. This coalesced the people into a like-minded population. As a result, the wall was fortified, a standing militia was established, and the city swelled in size as it started peaceful trading with most peoples on the Cerulean Sea. In the last century since the Hellscream War, the city has doubled in size.


    The outer wall is built of a marbled black and sand-brown stone, rising fifty feet above the wall of the plain that dominates the land west of the city. The bowl of the city descends to the sea and is terraced, with those of status living on the higher terraces. Building are crafted of this same marbled stone on the higher terraces and of brown adobe on the lower terraces, with some wooden buildings around the harbor.


    Kunger benefits from a deep, restful harbor of nearly eight hundred square miles. The north arm of the harbor is dominated by sharp peaks, while the south is more rolling hills. To the west of Kunger lies an open plain suitable for livestock production and arable farming.
    96,000, swelling to 120,000 May through October.
    Inhabitant Demonym

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