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Miner Wars

This event happened right after the First Perlogian War when conscripted dwarven soldiers from Imbarr Tor and human mercenaries from Itateron rose up against Dargorea. Unhappy with the way they were treated and having no stomach for fighting at sea, they argued for better terms. In Kunger the Emperor Cengor Tressis was opposed by the leader of the Senate, Morgan Arvall. Morgan sued for peace with the mercenaries, pushing the fact they were excellent soldiers and worth their money. Cengor rallied the forces of Dargorea against Imbarr Tor and Itateron.

Though not annihilated, the dwarves were heavily damaged, forced to retreat to their mountain homes. Most of Itateron was annexed by Dargorea. This action depleted Dargorea's resources and weakened its capital. Cengor was mad with bloodlust and would have driven the nation into ruin. He was assassinated by agents of Senator Arvall and the fighting against Imbarr Tor and Itateron was halted. The Senator elected a ruling tetrarchy and after licking their wounds, Dargorea resumed its attack against the East Coast.

Many felt that resuming the Perlogian Wars was a mistake, but Senator Arvall pushed they needed the wealth of the East Coast to rebuild themselves. After the success of the Second War and the wealth they reaped from St. Sebastian and its lands, they fully endorsed the third campaign.

Conflict Type


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